The Weather

Started by Alex, June 13, 2024, 04:02:41 PM

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What's happened to the weather ?

Every day is the same 6.30 am - 9 am it's sunny, then at 9.30 when you're already in your shorts and T shirt it clouds over and temperature settles at 12 degrees.  It will stay this way until you've changed into jeans and a jumper,  then we'll have 3 breaks in the cloud and the temperature hits 40 degrees and you're sweating !
Round about 6.30pm it changes again, just in time for eating the winter casserole under a blanket.
Then about 7.30 pm the sun comes out again and you think it might be a nice day tomorrow - IT WON'T !

Nicked from another site.


It's that climate emergenycy we are all hearing about. Payback for that hottest May on record you may have not noticed from within your Onesie and Uggs.

Oh and I must have snoozed through those 40s as from observation here it hasn't hit 20 this month unless I blinked. Or perhaps it was an American site and that's Farenheit.


No he was a Brit, it was just a touch of sarcasm...


Close to accurate too apart from the fictional hot time. Theweather last year was pretty crap and this year is looking to be crap too. Sure we'll get a few days of sweating at some point but wet and cold seems to be the norm now.


Cold wet n windy here, 12 degrees.  :cry:


Fed up of it, I bought some new (smaller) summer clothes and its been too cold to wear them.  Bought a couple of new hoodies, hardly had those off! 🥶
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


We are into October now. Please keep up.  :angry:


Got out of bed in the middle of the night to put a cover over my lightweight duvet.. I woke up cold.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..