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Started by Scrumpy, May 28, 2024, 05:18:56 PM

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Over the last 4 years.. Lock down.. social distancing..
bulk buying.. jabs.. 
Many restrictions in hospitality and travel.. Let down by the government..
So many things have happened .. 
Has it changed your way of life in any way.. ?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Well, I was supposed to be eloping with Matt Hancock, but those piccies of him snogging that brazen little hussey Coladangelo put paid to that.  The two timing rat.


We are beyond covid lockdowns now although some can still be seen wearing facemasks. Mostly all that remains of that period is the huge national debt that won't be cleared in my lifetime.

Yet covid is still around. I had it for a second time about a month back. After 3 jabs and 2 natural infections neither of which were any worse than a cold which of course being a coronavirus it closely resembles I think I can only conclude that the vaccines achieved little and lockdowns even less.

Millions were doubtless badly affected. The most badly being the elderly in nursing homes who were infected and killed by those removed from hospitals and dumped in them untested by the NHS and of course their families.

For me it is mostly just the financial impact inflation is having on my fixed pension as there seemed little point losing a lot to get index linking. That is trivial compared to those who lost their businesses.

Socially I think things must now be heading back to normal apart from those feeling the pinch financially.

It is difficult to know how much of the financial woes are down to lockdown and how much down to a Russian dictator wanting to make a start recreating the Soviet Union.


I don't think my life has changed that much, apart from losing all faith in my local surgery.


I have noticed that , within my circle of friends, people do not greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.
Some people still wear masks.. They look out of place..
One thing I did , because of shortages, was to water down my Fairy Liquid. I am a bit wasteful when it comes to foodstuff .. But I still water down my washing up liquid.. I can't stop doing it..  :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Why not buy cheaper washing up liquid?


Because I want my hands to be as soft as my face..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Duraglit might help that😬


Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


We don't tend to greet each other with cheek kisses up here, when we say ta-ra we do, but then you never know if any of us are going to snuff it before the next meet up  :grin: