
Started by muddy, May 26, 2024, 09:43:38 AM

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The Old  Broadmoor was decommissioned in 2019 for the new £250 million pound building ( first stage ) next door .

The site 60 acres has now been put up for sale by the NHS for residential development.
Much of the Victorian buildings are Grade  two listed .

It's bang in the middle of prime residential Berkshire  .
I wonder if whoever buys it will convert the old buildings into luxury apartments as has been done at other Victorian  mental hospitals .

However this is Broadmoor that has housed horrendous murderers Sutcliffe , the Krays and murderer of Lee Rigby and goodness knows what other deviants .

The Feng shui must be dreadful surely evil must be soaked into the walls there .

Would you live in the old Broadmoor ? 


This is the kind of thing that horror movies have at their epicentre.

I suppose the irony is that anyone who actually ends up living there would probably have been a borderline candidate for the place when it was a psych hospital.


Perhaps the ideal place to house all our new 'guests'?
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


No, no, no I would not live there.. I guess some younger buyers wouldn't even know of the Yorkshire Ripper.. Krays.. etc; So, it wouldn't bother them..

We had a big mental asylum .. Royal called because the Queen's cousin was there for many years.. It has now been developed and called Royal Earlswood Park.. beautiful accommodation.. Many parts of the original building remains because it is listed..
Would I live there ? No, no.. Far too sad..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I know Royal Earlswood as a sixth former we had to do voluntary work once a week .
I did it in Royal Earlswood .
I have a little story about it .
My brothers school friend had a difficult early life .
He was adopted but then the adopted parents parted .
His mother was left with four children .
Then she was killed in an accident the gas bottle in the kitchen blew up .
He was left in charge of his siblings .
He did all sorts of jobs to keep going one of which was working nights as an orderly at Royal Earlswood .
He was a clever boy and applied to Medical School and was accepted on the condition he gave up his many jobs .
He became a doctor and later a psychiatrist and was successful in life  .
When Royal Earlswood was converted to luxury apartments he bought one .
Because he could .
He had come far .


If it's unoccupied  for very long Capita will be taking it over for housing our unwanted guests from across the channel.


Quote from: klondike on May 26, 2024, 11:57:23 AMIf it's unoccupied  for very long Capita will be taking it over for housing our unwanted guests from across the channel.
What an excellent idea!  I'd never have thought of that!
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Be a better idea to house all politicians there, lock it up and lose the keys.


Good idea to house illegals ! :upvote:


Why should I and others pay to house illegals. ?
Warm rooms .. dentist.. doctor on call.. NO!!
Stop them coming to our shores and boarders..
Send them back immediately.. None of this pussy footing around.. Putting them in hotels etc.. Free to bugger off when they feel like it.. The government don't know where half of them are.. Ridiculous..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 26, 2024, 03:19:21 PMWhy should I and others pay to house illegals. ?
Warm rooms .. dentist.. doctor on call.. NO!!
Stop them coming to our shores and boarders..
Send them back immediately.. None of this pussy footing around.. Putting them in hotels etc.. Free to bugger off when they feel like it.. The government don't know where half of them are.. Ridiculous..

I'm with Scrumpy on this one.


Of course we should " Stop them coming to our shores and borders.." that goes without saying.  Unfortunately it's too late and the thousands upon thousands that we do have here are imo better off in old hospitals than in the semi next door to me !!!!


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 26, 2024, 03:19:21 PMWhy should I and others pay to house illegals. ?
Warm rooms .. dentist.. doctor on call.. NO!!
Stop them coming to our shores and boarders..
Send them back immediately.. None of this pussy footing around.. Putting them in hotels etc.. Free to bugger off when they feel like it.. The government don't know where half of them are.. Ridiculous..
Correct !

May 26, 2024, 04:10:02 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 26, 2024, 03:48:04 PMOf course we should " Stop them coming to our shores and borders.." that goes without saying.  Unfortunately it's too late and the thousands upon thousands that we do have here are imo better off in old hospitals than in the semi next door to me !!!!
I think that this prime residential site should be for the people of Berkshire before any illegal immigrants .


I disagree Muddy, I think we're better keeping them all together, rather than dropping groups of them in residential areas like mine, I've already got a group in an HMO up the road.   Internment camps should have been built, but too late now.  I do hope my Polish neighbours in the house next door to me, which is rented, don't go back to Poland ! :worried:


Yes.  They should be kept in close confinement for life, or until they agree to make their own way back to whence they have come.  We must have plenty of spare dinghies to lend them.

Most importantly, we must prevent any more entering.  Turn them around before they even enter our legal borders, even mid-channel.
Will that happen?  Will it hell.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire