Little enjoyable election snippets

Started by klondike, May 25, 2024, 10:23:48 AM

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It obviously started well

then followed on with his photo under an EXIT sign and visiting the Titanic shipbuilding yard.

The one I liked hearing was Gove (old rubber lips) deciding to stand down.
This was the man that doomed us to May and a poor Brexit deal when he stabbed Johnson in the back. May he suffer haemorrhoids in perpetuity.


More reasons for us to mocked by others.

Standing under an EXIT sign .. Visiting Titanic ( doomed ship) building yard..

His publicity agent, or whatever they are called, should be sacked..
Poor Rishi doesn't appear able to think for himself.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I liked Theresa May's last speech in the HOC when she said she'd enjoyed her time, but it had had its "ups and downs "   :rolleyes:   You can say that again Missus


Now we have "Return of National Service". Yeah right I'm sure we will. 

Well I suppose he thinks he can upset the young as they'll never vote for him anyway but does anybody think teaching our already violent underclass who would be the only ones too daft to dodege this how to be more violent is a good idea? I suppose the drug runners might become better shots leading to less collateral damage but I wouldn't count on it.


Wot's the next pipe dream policy?  Rebuild the empire, overthrow Russia, North Korea and China and take back America? Build a bridge stretching from Blackpool to New York?  Build a spaceship with warp drive?

Perhaps Rishi could start with something a bit simpler, such as buy a cheapo gazebo from Aldi to put outside No10 when it's raining and he wants to make an announcement.  Or is that beyond him?!


Votes for 16 year olds. Why not 12, or 5?  I think 18 was a push when Wilson reduced it, but historically the young (apart from one William Hague) are left leaning. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Just spotted an enjoyable snippet in the jolly old Torygraph

Dave is the biggest loser thus far. Rishi only brought him back into government seven months ago; he's barely mastered the wine list in the Foreign Office restaurant. According to Fraser Nelson's gripping account of the election announcement – when Rishi stood in the rain and declared "avec moi, le deluge" – Dave described the decision to go over the top as "bold". That's Etonian for "dreadful idea. You've ruined my life."

This is also a reminder of the shameful dearth of talent in the Conservative party that they brought back that loser to fill one of the great offices of state. They really do deserve the drubbing that they must surely get.

Of course we'll all be getting one too when Starmer moves in to number 10.


I'm sure my 17 year old GD knows nothing about politics.  She leaves for college about 7.30 a.m. returning 12 hours later and works in a cafe at the weekend.  There's no time for the news etc.


Quote from: klondike on May 27, 2024, 01:05:15 PMThis is also a reminder of the shameful dearth of talent in the Conservative party that they brought back that loser to fill one of the great offices of state. They really do deserve the drubbing that they must surely get.

Yes.  When he first appeared after being invited back, I thought exactly the same.  When he was PM he was absolutely useless, but worse than that was when the country voted to leave the EU, he was so upset that he immediately ran away and handed the reins over to May.

Who in their right mind would imagine that Cameron could be a real asset to the country and its government?

Coward Cameron, Treason May, Bumbling Boris, Two-minute Truss and now Mr Wishy-Washy.  Is there any surprise that throughout the past 14 years the country has become consistently worse off, not forgetting Bliar of course who put in place his wonderful ideas (eg, every school leaver to go to university!) which set the ball rolling?

I'm afraid that, with our continuing assistance of mass illegal immigration, I cannot see any real hope now.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Blair also started the open borders mass migration gig which the current shower have expanded on enormously. Don't forget PFI either which to be fair was apparently a Tory idea originally which they took up with gusto.

TheTories have to go. No party can be rewarded for creating the total mess we are now in but Labour are likely to make things even worse.


Quote from: klondike on May 26, 2024, 05:12:01 PMNow we have "Return of National Service". Yeah right I'm sure we will.

It was the main headline on GMB at 6am..
'Even William and Kate's children could be included'

What a waste of air space.. Rushi is grabbing at straws.. Even when he spoke of it he looked so bored.. The man doesn't have one funny bone in his body..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Rumour has it his kids wanted a summer break in Disney World and this was the only way he could manage that.


Both Wishy-Washy and Flip-Flop are neither use nor ornament.  Yet it seems that most people seem to think their only options are those two 'main parties'.

I have a feeling that what has happened now for 100 years will continue in the future.  Back and forth, each taking turns.
Nevertheless, I am resolved to vote for Reform.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Can it get any worse for Sunak?

Liberals on 59 seats with a lower percentage of the popular vote than Reform on none.

If it ends anywhere close to this there must surely be an examination of our undemocratic voting system. Obviously a government with a 320 seat majority thanks to that will not be keen on any change so we will carry on with the same 2 horse race after Labour screw up big time over the next 5 years.


Yes, I have heard many times that Reform will not get a single seat.  It's the way our biased electoral system works.

Nevertheless, I am resolved to vote for them.  Whatever happens, and I'm sure that Labour will form the next government (with or without Abbott), people will rejoice... briefly.

Then the downward trend of the appalling situation this country is in will continue.  My conscience is clear.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire