What would you do.?

Started by Scrumpy, April 21, 2024, 09:09:38 AM

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I was 76. You'd think they'd know!
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖

Michael Rolls

same here - right hand, left hand syndrome
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Maybe they only have electoral roll data.


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 24, 2024, 05:20:50 PMI would love to do jury service..
A nice juicy case.. like an MP or Royal found in a fast woman's boudoir tied to the knobs of a brass bed ...
Wearing a tutu and lipstick.. Squealing with delight..
The police being called because of the disturbance..

Cassandra.. In your very interesting court cases have you attended any similar to this.?
 Please tell..

Quite a few Scrumps, but only as the defence advocate. One was a divorce where the husband had joined a cross-dressing circle and his wife had 'discovered' his participation impedimenta, hidden in the garden shed. In the court she adversely commented on his choice of underwear, particularly a 'front fastening bra. A dominating, brassy lady of voluminous figure she was very similar to Mr's Fox on Dad's Army. "Their very mossy" she commented, "he could have taken one of mine - so much better and as for six tongued suspenders" - "I felt ashamed to know a husband of mine had turned up like that"

The Judge asked her if she had any other recommendations "perhaps Lipstick, his was so violent". He also asked that if her spouse had dressed more to her taste would she have approved.

"Well of course" she responded, "people obviously thought they were my things".

"Yes, most distressing" his honour replied, with just the right air of sarcasm.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: JBR on April 23, 2024, 09:27:33 PMBut do they pay expenses to jurors?

Yes for Food, drink and travel expenses, loss of earnings. Care and childcare expenses. But no payment for being there, like an appearance fee etc.

April 25, 2024, 02:25:28 PM
Quote from: GrannyMac on April 23, 2024, 10:58:39 PMI was called last year, but I was too old, so declined.  I'd have done it if I had been younger.

Most people enjoy it GM. Some a bit too much. A few ladies in the 'Public Galleries' are also very enthusiastic attendees and advocates could develop 'groupies', over the years. In my time usually wealthy, single females of a certain age, who populated such areas, like others would attend football matches. They learn where their favourite advocates are appearing, where they lunch etc and just happen to have a nearby table etc.

One such at 'The Bailey' took to sending me little notes, referring to "how neat my wig was" etc and other more 'personal' criteria - with kisses on the bottom!

I appeared once for a colleague in Chambers who'd had a whole case of attempted rape feloniously created by one such woman, just to sit near him during the poor chap's trial.

The whole charade collapsed on the third day, costing the country a fortune ...
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Cassandra on April 25, 2024, 02:16:21 PMYes for Food, drink and travel expenses, loss of earnings. Care and childcare expenses. But no payment for being there, like an appearance fee etc.


Well, paid for food and drink, OK, but I doubt it would stretch to a five-star restaurant dinner.
Loss of earnings?  I don't earn anything any more, so I suppose I wouldn't qualify.  No children to care for, and my dear wife can care for herself.

No.  Unless it's a juicy murder or rape, I'll pass, and I understand that some trials can drag on in perpetuity!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: JBR on April 25, 2024, 02:43:35 PMThanks.

Well, paid for food and drink, OK, but I doubt it would stretch to a five-star restaurant dinner.
Loss of earnings?  I don't earn anything any more, so I suppose I wouldn't qualify.  No children to care for, and my dear wife can care for herself.

No.  Unless it's a juicy murder or rape, I'll pass, and I understand that some trials can drag on in perpetuity!

Yes they're the good ones, plenty of 'refreshers' ...
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...