Hi all

Started by Vlad, April 09, 2024, 10:00:11 PM

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I agree, of course, that there are many decent members over there, some of course who also post on here.  Yes, Akbuk is one, for example, who I think doesn't come here.

Brian, of course, is another!

I have had a quick look at what's going on there, from time to time, but have no intention of ever returning there and posting.  The boss obviously hates the idea of any members popping over here, which I think is rather childish.

I had a quick look just now, to see a header suggesting: "Please join us (it's free)".  Perhaps he's losing members!  🤣
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Akbuk came here originally but stopped coming once Chris got the constant PF forum bugs fixed. I think the problem being that he had moved it onto free hosting but he never admitted that.

This place was only intended to be a backup to PF if, as it appeared at the time, Chris gave up on it. If he hadn't made such a fuss this forum wouldn't exist and there would still only be PF plus the group that moved off from PF earlier who are still going too or at least I think they are as the site still exists but my login there doesn't or so it seems.


I go a week or more without popping in to PF, the only time I post is when I see that awful Sciatico giving Muddy down the banks  :grin:  Mind you she's a big girl and usually puts him in his place, only for him to come back with the same old crap !


Quote from: Alex on May 26, 2024, 06:30:40 PMI go a week or more without popping in to PF, the only time I post is when I see that awful Sciatico giving Muddy down the banks  :grin:  Mind you she's a big girl and usually puts him in his place, only for him to come back with the same old crap !
Yes, when I used to go there, all I saw from Scatty was absolute nonsense and, naturally, avoided any interaction with him.  For God's sake, don't anyone tell him about this place!
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Is this clown The Deep still there?

I forget who did the christening now but it was excellent.

For some reason he used a version of this as his avatar


I don't think he's on there now, he and Sciatica arrived at the same time didn't they ?


I wonder if Big Louis is back in one of her many incarnations?
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I'd be surprised if she weren't. Didn't she have two IDs on here at one time.



Ooh Id forgotten about her  :cool:


None of my business of course, because I no longer visit the Mother Ship, but do other members bother to discuss matters with Scatty?

Personally, I avoided interacting with him as soon as I realised his consistent line of thought.  It really isn't worth the effort when someone's opinions are completely contrary to one's own.  I also got the impression that he isn't one to participate in a humorous chat.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


No. I think he disagrees for the sake of it.  Life's too short.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: JBR on May 27, 2024, 10:52:30 PMNone of my business of course, because I no longer visit the Mother Ship, but do other members bother to discuss matters with Scatty?

Personally, I avoided interacting with him as soon as I realised his consistent line of thought.  It really isn't worth the effort when someone's opinions are completely contrary to one's own.  I also got the impression that he isn't one to participate in a humorous chat.
Yes I'm afraid I do answer .
Really can't allow the sort of crap he spouts go unchallenged

May 28, 2024, 07:07:19 AM
Quote from: dextrous63 on May 26, 2024, 12:18:05 AMThe trouble is that we read Brian's posts.

This is sad.
I have always suspected that Brian was in fact the owners trying to engineer interest .
But I'm probaby wrong just your average crackpot 



Poor Brian.. If he is a 'crackpot' that is very sad.. 
Perhaps he is just a regular guy who is struggling with his mind..
If that is the case calling him names is also sad..

May 28, 2024, 08:53:41 AM
Quote from: GrannyMac on May 27, 2024, 06:35:50 AMI wonder if Big Louis is back in one of her many incarnations?

Didn't you just love her.. ? She played a good game under so many disguises..
She would send me an email admitting to it all.. At least she gave us a bit of fun..
I bet she is around somewhere..  :smiley:

May 28, 2024, 08:59:19 AM

Sciatico... He is entitled to his opinions .. as others are..
Just because they might be different to others doesn't make them wrong..
There are many of us who like to voice our opinions..
It takes all kinds to make up an interesting forum..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Poor Brian.. If he is a 'crackpot' that is very sad
Just imagine if he was your dad
Beside his tall tales
Even Sunak pales
Maybe he's just a Jack the lad

Sciatico's a piece of work
He puts folks down with a nasty smirk
He just seems to hate the Brits
He reckons we're a load of shits
But when said and done he's just a berk


Brian is harmless and I feel sorry for him when they take the mick on the Mother Ship.
Sciatico is just nasty.  Yes he's entitled to his opinions, it's just the way he "speaks" to people that pixxes me off and I no longer respond to him.  I think he's married to an arab who is muslim.