Challenge of the Day.

Started by Diasi, January 23, 2024, 08:31:45 AM

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Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


I fully agree that Cass has explained the law as it now stands, but I agree with Diasi that it should be changed for our own protection.
However, two important things must happen first:

The return of the death penalty for murder, as a strong deterrent.  On the news yesterday, they provided figures of the increase in murders since the death penalty was stopped.  It has nearly doubled.

The police should be made to deal with serious crime far more effectively than they have been doing lately.  Some crimes are virtually ignored and what does that do?  It encourages yet more crime, of course.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Although a few years out of date, and without wishing to step on Cass' toes, you might find this a useful overview...


Quote from: dextrous63 on January 27, 2024, 05:52:31 PMAlthough a few years out of date, and without wishing to step on Cass' toes, you might find this a useful overview...
Well I can't think of a more appropriate sentence than whole life in prison.

As it stands, this black waste-of space got an indefinite hospital order which can be lifted at any time so he could be out at some point on the nod of a couple of gullible dimwit psychiatrists.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: dextrous63 on January 27, 2024, 05:52:31 PMAlthough a few years out of date, and without wishing to step on Cass' toes, you might find this a useful overview...
And we wonder why crime - all crime - is constantly on the increase in this country.

And that enormous number of prisoners who have taken the life of someone else may only serve 16 or so years.
Crime certainly does pay in broken Britain.

Can't the do-gooders, those who make these decisions hoping to reduce serious crime in this country, see why the system does nothing but encourage crime?
Numquam credere Gallicum


300 murderers put away, 300 released per annum.  Seems to be maintaining a certain number of cells rather than meting out justice.


Quote from: dextrous63 on January 27, 2024, 09:40:15 PM300 murderers put away, 300 released per annum.  Seems to be maintaining a certain number of cells rather than meting out justice.
Well yes, it has been regularly reported on the news that all the prisons are full.  Solutions:
- Stop sending people to prison?
- Make prisons hell-holes - deterrence?
- Halve all prison terms?
- Pay third-world countries to take our prisoners?

Any better suggestions?
Numquam credere Gallicum


A combination of bullet points 2 & 4 seem sensible.  Might even be able to get a good deal from Rwanda if we ever get to sort t'other little matter out.

Adding in the concept of incarceration including physical distance from family and friends sounds like a further deterrent for the pot.  In any case, technology would mitigate the extreme harshness of this.

And then, as luck would have it, that would release around 90,000 beds in uk prisons which could be used to house immigrants while they await a decision.  



There is that.  But I'd have to agree with JB that a noose is better, for environmental reasons.  Wooden scaffold is renewable, as is hemp rope.  Less blood too!!  

Gunpowder and metal bullets (especially those with mercury filled tops) leave a far bigger carbon footprint.

Greta would be proud of our choice.


They could make prisons a sort of Russian Roulette. Each week a prize draw would pick one prisoner in each jail to be took out the back and shot regardless of crime or sentence.  The longer the sentence the more chance of winning the prize so all quite fair. Would reduce costs.

Could sell tickets. In Texas they could probably charge to be a firing squad member. Bring your own gun.


Hardly green though.

How about turning prison into the Squid Game?  The sole survivor would be promised a flight to freedom.  In reality, this would be thrown from a trebuchet off a cliff to a rocky surface below.


Squid Games.. !!  Spot on..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Meanwhile back in the real world....

Baby killer Lucy Letby 'has a key to her cell' as prison insider describes her cushy new life as 'just like a hotel - except you're surrounded by criminals'

Evil baby killer Lucy Letby has been given a key to her own cell a report has claimed, as a prison insider described her cushy new life on the inside as being like a 'hotel - but you're surrounded by criminals'.

This comes five months after the monster was given a whole life sentence with not chance of parole for the murder of seven newborn babies and attempting to kill six others.

Having the key to her cell means that Letby, 34, can lock herself away from fellow inmates if she feels threatened by them.

It is believed that keys are handed to the residents of category A HMP Bronzefield as a reward for good behaviour on the inside.

The move has caused significant upset for the grieving parents of Letby's victims.

We thought they were throwing away the key, and now we find out that she has her own key,' one parent told The Sunday People.

A prison insider told the paper that the VIP arrangement means Letby can socialise if she wants to, but can also have privacy if she wants.

They said it was 'no different to living in a hotel - but you're surrounded by criminals'.

Letby was previously moved to HMP Bronzefield from Low Newton jail in County Durham.

This comes after baby murderer Letby reportedly 'became prison friends' with two other killers whilst she was held on remand before her trial in August.

Letby was said to have bonded with Michelle Smith, a woman who murdered her own 42-day-old baby, and Shauna Hoare, who helped kill 16-year-old schoolgirl Becky Watts.

A source told The Mirror that the trio of killers had been playing board games together and sat with each other when it came to eating meals.

'They were together 24 hours a day – they were a well-known threesome and were literally never apart,' they said.

Letby, originally from Hereford, was convicted of attacking the babies at Countess of Chester Hospital neonatal unit in 2015 and 2016.

In September last year it was announced that the serial killer will face a retrial over one count of attempted murder of a newborn baby girl.


British 'justice':  murderer given private room, free meals and healthcare.
How to encourage crime.
Numquam credere Gallicum