Arabs kicking off again

Started by Alex, October 07, 2023, 10:08:56 AM

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The sad part about this is Hammas must have known what the reaction would be from Israel, so now hundreds of ordinary people living in Gaza will be killed, but then Hammas doesn't care about its people, they only care about annihilating the Jews.


Quote from: Alex on October 09, 2023, 12:27:53 PMThe sad part about this is Hammas must have known what the reaction would be from Israel, so now hundreds of ordinary people living in Gaza will be killed, but then Hammas doesn't care about its people, they only care about annihilating the Jews.

Are there any 'ordinary people' living in Gaza?  I thought that it was a breakaway state established in opposition to Israel.
If there are any ordinary people there who don't support Hamas, they should attempt to move peacefully to Israel, if nothing else simply for safety.

The other dangerous thing about this uprising of Hamas is that it is likely to encourage the other enemies of Israel which surrounds that country to join in the attack.

I have said before that Israel should set off a small nuclear air burst over the town of Gaza, preferably when the winds are blowing to the west, so as not to endanger other areas.  An air burst would kill everyone beneath, but may avoid creating dangerous areas of land in the future.
It would also send a clear message to other countries around Israel to keep out of it.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Ordinary muslim families live in Gaza, like Humza Yousaf's family  :rolleyes:  They don't all vote for Hammas, I guess you can't vote for SNP there  :grin:    shouldn't laugh sorry.

Hesbollah has already 'joined in' by sending rockets from Lebanon.  Rockets also sent from Syria on Saturday, I don't know who was responsible for those.   


Wasn't it a chunk of territory seized in the 6 day war way way back which Israel is hanging on to. Presumably as a buffer area they can blow to buggery when the Palestinians kick off as they have now


Quote from: klondike on October 09, 2023, 01:30:28 PMWasn't it a chunk of territory seized in the 6 day war way way back which Israel is hanging on to. Presumably as a buffer area they can blow to buggery when the Palestinians kick off as they have now

Yes, they should blow Gaza to buggery, as you so delicately put it!

Perhaps they should first offer the peaceful Gazans (assuming there are some) an amnesty if they come across the border weaponless and with their hands in the air.

Then blow Gaza to buggery!  🤣
Numquam credere Gallicum


At least people in Gaza were given a warning. The only pictures the media show of Gaza are refugee camps, poverty everywhere etc. but they've got restaurants and bloody shopping malls - at least they did have. :lipsrsealed:

Michael Rolls

Hamas murdered a 23 year old German student and paraded her naked body through the streets of Gaza - that's the sort of scum they are - and doubtless we have a fair number of them here by now
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


.. and come they will.. En Masse

One day , in the near future,  Parliament will be saying these words  ' We never saw that coming'..  It will be too late to say 'Lessons have been learned'.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on October 10, 2023, 09:12:52 AM.. and come they will.. En Masse

One day , in the near future,  Parliament will be saying these words  ' We never saw that coming'..  It will be too late to say 'Lessons have been learned'.

You're so right Scrumps, "lessons have been learned" should be said now, today.  Those in charge should be looking at Sweden and France to see what will happen here if they don't stop migration, but it may already be too late.


Quote from: Michael Rolls on October 10, 2023, 04:36:16 AMand doubtless we have a fair number of them here by now
Some legally...

An NHS medic mocked Israeli festival-goers for fleeing Hamas gunmen, claiming on X that "there are no civilians in Israel" and calling for the U.K. to forcibly remove the whole Israeli population. The Mail has the story.

An NHS medic shockingly mocked Israeli festival-goers for fleeing Hamas gunmen, MailOnline can reveal today.

Dr Mennah Elwan said 'if it was your home, you would stay and fight' in response to horrifying footage of Palestinian terrorists opening fire on innocent party-goers who gathered for an all-night trance music rave.

The neurology registrar also claimed 'there are no civilians in Israel' in her series of abhorrent posts on X, formerly known as Twitter.

October 10, 2023, 10:15:40 AM
Quote from: klondike on October 10, 2023, 10:13:04 AM posts on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Always amuses me. Reminds me of The artist formerly known as Prince


Papers say support for Palestine in increasing here, well I wonder why that is ?   could it be that they've arrived in their thousands for the last few years ?


There is no doubt that the Israelis are bastards. They have to be. The very existence of their country is under constant threat.

This wasn't a situation of their making. It is the fault of the powers that created the state of Israel by the simple expedient of drawing some lines on a map and saying that's Israel. Doubtless Britain was involved but I wasn't so it's not my fault.


I just hope that if the war escalates, the UK lets it remain between Israel & the Arab Nations & doesn't get involved.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Diasi on October 10, 2023, 07:28:45 PMI just hope that if the war escalates, the UK lets it remain between Israel & the Arab Nations & doesn't get involved.
I don't think Israel needs our help.
It is perfectly able to defend itself and has help and support of many, if not most, Jews worldwide.

What is important is for muslim nations to keep their noses out.
Those which surround Israel know that if they decide to involve themselves, they will receive what the Gaza terrorists are now receiving.

Iran is the dark coloured person in the woodpile.  It is near enough to Israel to support the terrorists with arms and money, but remote enough to prevent Israel directly attacking them... or perhaps not!

America has already been taking an interest in the behaviour of Iran and, hopefully, if they continue to stir up trouble where it isn't needed, the Yanks might just snap!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: JBR on October 10, 2023, 09:29:30 PMI don't think Israel needs our help.
It is perfectly able to defend itself and has help and support of many, if not most, Jews worldwide.

What is important is for muslim nations to keep their noses out.
Those which surround Israel know that if they decide to involve themselves, they will receive what the Gaza terrorists are now receiving.

Iran is the dark coloured person in the woodpile.  It is near enough to Israel to support the terrorists with arms and money, but remote enough to prevent Israel directly attacking them... or perhaps not!

America has already been taking an interest in the behaviour of Iran and, hopefully, if they continue to stir up trouble where it isn't needed, the Yanks might just snap!

I reckon the only thing to snap will be the strings on Sleepy Joe. :wink:

Isn't he luverly!

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