Why ! Why ! Why!

Started by Scrumpy, September 29, 2023, 12:24:04 PM

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Even in the animal world the parent will give their cub a clout to stop them misbehaving. My mother used to use a strap on us girls, it kept us in line and we didn't cheek any adults.

September 29, 2023, 08:36:13 PM
Just popped up as breaking news.

BBC News - Man in his 60s held over Sycamore Gap tree felling


During my brief sojourn as a head of maths, it became apparent that children in that school were particularly poorly behaved.  I was told by some established members of staff that the recently appointed headteacher had told the children in her opening assemblies that if any member of staff raised their voices at them then they should tell her immediately and she would look into it.  Standards of discipline, behaviour and morale fell overnight.  I lasted two terms before I got outta there, which was more than enough.  Apparently there was a Head of English appointed a few months before me who came in and at the end of the first day, reloaded her bags with the things she'd arrived with and left, never to return again.

September 29, 2023, 08:39:28 PM
Man in his 60's???!!!!  What the deuce??


Quote from: Alex on September 29, 2023, 07:17:46 PMI think Childline was a good idea too, it's a pity the organisation was abused by teenagers with no sense.
Well you've just explained why I regard it as not a good idea.

The fact that it was open to abuse.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


 :wtf: why won't the forum let me print my sisters job title? It keeps changing it from Teach*r to weapons grade.  :wtf:

In answer to Dex..... My sister next to me in age was a Physics Weapons Grade at a school in Dundee. She lasted one term before she got out of there. She said the kids were horrible to each other and had no respect for the teachers at all, the older kids ruled the school.
She applied for and got a position at Auchterarder High School and was there untill she retired. Said the kids there were a pleasure to work with and she liked all the staff as well.
Most strange as J is the most argumentative one of us 4 girls, she was a nightmare when we were growing up.


I can't stop laughing out loud at this "Physics Weapons Gtrade "  bloody hilarious :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Quote from: Diasi on September 29, 2023, 08:50:06 PMWell you've just explained why I regard it as not a good idea.

The fact that it was open to abuse.

They did help kids who had no-one else to turn to though, I guess you takes the rough with the smooth..


Send my best wishes to your sister please Raven.  One old pro to another😊

Love the weapons grade glitch. Vasia has left a legacy.  🤣🤣


Quote from: Raven on September 29, 2023, 08:59:03 PM:wtf: why won't the forum let me print my sisters job title? It keeps changing it from Teach*r to weapons grade.  :wtf:
:grin:  :grin:  :grin:
Sorry. I did say there was no profanity censor but a recent poster lead to me adding an item. You can say teacher no problem but the id was made taboo. I'll spend a little while fixing that and restoring some sanity,

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


OK I have made the appropriate changes the long way round rather than the quick and dirty profanity censor kludge. You may now enter the word Teacher without it being modified.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy



Well I've learnt something new from Klondy.  He's a great Weapons Grade 😬

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The headteacher in the first school I worked in was er, "old school".  I was told how he'd once heard that a pupil had told a teacher to f**k off.  So, he walked straight into the classroom, grabbed the kid by collar and shirt tail and frog marched him to the school gate, kicked him up the ar$e and said "YOU f**k off".

There are times in which this sentiment seems entirely appropriate.  The imbeciles who cut the tree down fit the criteria.  I don't care what their motives were, nor if they had a difficult upbringing.  They can just "f**k off", just as much as that tw@t who killed the girl on the bus can.


They possibly both had difficult childhoods though....

In fact when it comes to court I'll  guarantee that they did.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm also old school as far as kids are concerned.  :busted:
We were brought up very strictly in the Children are seen but not heard and speak politely when spoken to way.
I didn't bring my kids up that strict but they damn well behaved and we could take them anywhere.  :upvote:
Yes, I did smack when they were younger, the rule was you get one warning then it's a smack. The kids knew this and learned, therefore I didn't have to smack because they knew I would.
Regan adopted the same rule with her two with the same results.
Neither myself or Regan had any of the screaming carry on in the shops that today's parents seem to have, when I see some "wee angel" on the floor screeching in a temper with a helpless parent looking on I ache to give the "wee angel" a hot ass and therefore it will have something to scream about.  :angry:
I know this will upset some of you, but it's they way I am and how I feel, this letting kids rule and giving in to them all the time is not good. I know taking things they like away does work in some cases but not all, a quick slap soon pulls them into line.
During the school holidays I've seen several hacked off parents in the dunes or in the forest throwing caution to the wind and giving a well deserved smack to a shocked brat. I always think we'll done mate.
I don't believe however in a hammering, one or two (at the most) smacks round the back of the legs is enough.


Agree.  One of my neighbour's (at my old house) was playing on his bike on the road and pavement of our cul de sac.  He then started to head towards the busy road at the other end of the street.  The mother did nothing, so I ran and grabbed hold of the handlebars and turned him round to come back towards the safe end.  He started bawling.  

His mother proceeded to come out with the line "he's not used to having his behaviour corrected".  And explained how they tried to let him do whatever he wanted without fear of contradiction🙄

Weirdly enough, a few doors further down there was another family with oh so precious children.  The son is now in prison doing life for brutally torturing and murdering some old bloke over an argument about a bit of cannabis.