By election results

Started by GrannyMac, July 21, 2023, 06:56:32 AM

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Labour 1, Lib Dem 1, Conservative 1.

Different parts of the country, different issues.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I'll give those a look over in more detail later as I'm off out as soon as I'm properly up. I already know that it was Boris's seat that was narrowly retained with a small majority. I think it was Alex predicted that the other day so well done.


Apparently the new LibDem MP for Somerton & Froome is Sarah Dyke.

She certainly looks the part.

July 21, 2023, 08:04:07 AM
Disappointing results for Reform.

Labour have won Selby due to Tory voters staying at home or by voting Labour to punish CCHQ for foisting an Indian on the membership.

[aged attachment deleted by system]
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Diasi on July 21, 2023, 07:53:48 AMApparently the new LibDem MP for Somerset & Froome is Sarah Dyke.

She certainly looks the part.

 :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


The prime minister has taken the results as a stunning endorsement of his policies and intends to carry on.

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The new Labour MP for Selby looks about 14. :grin:


Quote from: Alex on July 21, 2023, 12:31:32 PMThe new Labour MP for Selby looks about 14. :grin:
He may as well be 14 for all the real world experience he has.

He studied at Oxford for a useless real world degree in politics & history & has only ever been a political researcher.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


So Lib Dem's have a dyke and Labour have a teenager, we can see that the House of Commons has been strengthened.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


Quote from: Diasi on July 21, 2023, 01:22:39 PMHe may as well be 14 for all the real world experience he has.

He studied at Oxford for a useless real world degree in politics & history & has only ever been a political researcher.
Perhaps its time the rules were changed. To stand for selection, one must have worked for a minimum of five? years in something other than politics.  

Unfortunately many Labour MPs have met that criteria, but they've not been moderates.  In theory, I should respect someone like Angela Rayner, who was a care worker before she became a trade union leader. But I don't.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on July 21, 2023, 04:44:44 PMPerhaps its time the rules were changed. To stand for selection, one must have worked for a minimum of five? years in something other than politics. 

Unfortunately many Labour MPs have met that criteria, but they've not been moderates.  In theory, I should respect someone like Angela Rayner, who was a care worker before she became a trade union leader. But I don't.
I think it has to be 5 years in a job that has the facets required to understand complex issues & make sound decisions.

Wiping bums doesn't really meet that criteria.

And no, I'm not belittling or devaluing care workers.

But no matter how able an MP may be, the fact remains that the best decisions can be buggered up by the agenda driven Supreme Court.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Diasi on July 21, 2023, 07:53:48 AMApparently the new LibDem MP for Somerset & Froome is Sarah Dyke.

She certainly looks the part.

July 21, 2023, 08:04:07 AM
Disappointing results for Reform.

Labour have won Selby due to Tory voters staying at home or by voting Labour to punish CCHQ for foisting an Indian on the membership.
Looks like I was right in what I've said.
The foolish British voters can only think about Labour, Cons and the LimpDems.
Looks like more of the same for the next five years.  😢
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Quote from: GrannyMac on July 21, 2023, 04:44:44 PMPerhaps its time the rules were changed. To stand for selection, one must have worked for a minimum of five? years in something other than politics. 

Unfortunately many Labour MPs have met that criteria, but they've not been moderates.  In theory, I should respect someone like Angela Rayner, who was a care worker before she became a trade union leader. But I don't.
I don't consider a Trade Union leader as a real job either, although the care worker part I do.


Quote from: Jacqueline on July 21, 2023, 07:40:40 PMI don't consider a Trade Union leader as a real job either, although the care worker part I do.
I think that in the good old days, trades unions were an essential benefit for all genuine working people.
Some businesses would have seen no difficulty in sacking employees if they could so easily replace them with cheaper employees and, of course, the same benefit if the employers decided to cut wages.

Today, however, there are legal protections for such situations.

That is why some of today's unions have morphed into pressure groups to attack businesses and, of course, the government for their own benefit.  They are now political organisations which would like to take over from the government for their own financial gains and power.

They are doing those precise things now simply because we have such a weak government.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire