The boring thread.....

Started by Scrumpy, July 18, 2023, 11:58:08 AM

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Brilliant.   Well done, Scrumpy.  :upvote:


Good idea Scrumps, saved a trip to the tip  :smiley:


Have just lost it with a bellend in the Asda carpark.  Nearly came to blows.

Am totally would up🤬🤬


I remember that sort of thing when going shopping after coming off night shift. What is your excuse?


I stopped at the zebra crossing to let someone cross.  Absolutely no issue with that.  Didn't get a nod nor a wave of the hand nor even a glance to suggest a thank you or at least a recognition that I was even there.

Tapped my horn and suggested a thank you would have been nice, and got a finger as a reply.

But that wasn't the issue.  The issue was some other bellend decided to get involved, stand in front of my car and tell me how they have right of way and it's my responsibility.  I replied that I knew that, but a bit of politeness/common courtesy is a reasonable request.  Dickhead didn't understand this and proceeded to stand on the crossing, blocking all traffic and clap his hands at me.

Refused to move so I had to get out and walk towards him in an aggressive manner, explaining (with somewhat colourful language) what the issue was.... i.e. politeness.

I think you get the picture.

 It wasn't my finest hour, to be frank.

But i still think the point about showing courtesy to your fellow human being stands.


I agree. Good Manners are free!
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


It was really the fact that it had nothing to do with him, and his actions will have reinforced the first pedestrian's unfortunate view that politeness isn't important.

It's that sort of thing that is making the country a less pleasant place to live in, IMHO.


You wouldn't get that at Waitrose or M&S..

You might at the Co-op .. They have a few bell-ends that shop there..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..