The boring thread.....

Started by Scrumpy, July 18, 2023, 11:58:08 AM

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We have some in bloom too. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Sitting here waiting for my Ocado order to come. 
What you doing?


Going out later to an emporium .. In Godstone.. Where the big sink holes are..
It is not far from me.. and it is a lovely shop to spend time looking around..
Brilliant sunshine..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Been out for a bit of shopping.  Am slowly cleaning the lawnmower's carburettor (waiting for some gasket sealer to arrive before putting it all back together).

Gym at midday - scary indeed as haven't been for years!!!

But of cooking this afternoon, namely cheese crackers and some tuna cat treats for the furry ones.

Hopefully fix the log cabin roof later if it stays dry, then tutoring this evening.


Got the Chiropractor today, feel like I've a bunch of knots in my shoulder.

Michael Rolls

no flowers out yet, but daffs can't be far away
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Very quiet in here today?

Has everyone gone on a day trip or summat?  :smiley:



Gym and walking this morning followed by nodding off in front of TV later. 


Went for a mammogram yesterday.  Ouch.  

Pool this morning and a quick trip to Sainsbury's.  Weather looks good so might do a wee bit of gardening pm.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Busy today... Beautiful sunshine.. 
Car parked in the road .. The sun is thawing the frost on it..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Fixing that roof this morning, then swimming this afternoon, the. Out for a meal before going to see James Martin.


At 3 am the cars were covered in frost, this morning it's lovely and sunny. :upvote: Might get out in the garden later.


Nothing much on today except jobs round here. There's a Surfing competition on tomorrow and we're going to the Reef to watch.


Thick frost here too.   Only just gone now.  
I love blue skies though,  it makes feel so much brighter than  on those awful grey days.

Had a really good sleep last night,  and even Gertie didn't jump on my belly with her wet kisses,  to wake me up!  Bliss. 

Sadly, I've got to go to a friend's funeral this afternoon,  no looking forward to that.  :sad: