The boring thread.....

Started by Scrumpy, July 18, 2023, 11:58:08 AM

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Nice and sunny but close to freezing here. I shall venture forth to the gym as I'm feeling far too good at the moment.


I might have a bit of chocolate.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Thick white frost here this morning.   My car windscreen is still frosted over now.

Mind you, I'd sooner have it cold with a lovely blue sky,  than all that awful wind and rain.


I had to defrost the car for ages this morning. Took the youngest granddaughter to the cinema then tea in MacDs! 

On way home now, may well 😴 in front of the telly this evening 😀 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I had lemon chicken for tea from Leedl !   :grin:


Blimey,  it's minus 2 out there already tonight,   and it's only early still!

I have covered a lot of my plants with thick fleece,  and put cloches over other things.


It was about midnight last night, and I was reading in bed,  when I heard such a racket outside.
I thought it was just a plane going over at first,  only it didn't 'go over,' -  the noise continued.
Went and had a look outside and it was a helicopter hovering just a few hundred yards away.
It stayed for about half an hour,  which surprised me.
Don't they make a racket, and noises always sound worse at night when everywhere is quiet.
Wonder what that was all about? 


Bound to be police on some mysterious mission. Don't usually hear them at night but they are about quite often in the daytime.


Quote from: klondike on January 03, 2025, 10:32:47 AMBound to be police on some mysterious mission. Don't usually hear them at night but they are about quite often in the daytime.
I was rather surprised they hovered over the same area for so long.   It didn't half make a racket at that time of night.

I heard this morning that the Police were not saying anything,  but a friend told me there was some trouble in flats down town.   Must have been serious to get the helicopter out.


Police helicopter overhead is something I'm used to  :grin:


I have never done 'Facebook,'   but a friend of mine does,  and found out about the helicopter last night.

I can't quote all what she read to me over the phone  word for word,  but it seems it was about a dog in a flat with two men,  and it bit them. Not sure if it bit one, or both of them,  so they called the Police.   

The Cops came and tried to sedate the dog but couldn't.  No idea why.   
The dog was then supposed to have jumped out of a 3rd  floor window and ran off??? 

It was eventually found,  and was shot dead.

That is the gist of what she said,  but personally I believe there must have been a heck of a lot more to this than the public know at the moment.

For a start,  if one of mine dogs ever bit me,  I  wouldn't even think of calling the Police for a start.
Secondly,  why was the dog in such a supposedly  worked up state in the first place?  (if it's even true).
Thirdly,  I can't imagine a dog jumping out of a window three floors up, and still being able to run!
I am also amazed a helicopter came out for a dog?

And apparently the dog was killed just after 9  pm,  so why was the helicopter still searching at midnight??

None of this make much sense to me, and whole thing sounds really odd.     There must be a lot more to it.


Poor dog was probably going stir crazy shut up in a flat, no garden, probably no wonder some of them snap.


Quote from: Alex on January 04, 2025, 11:04:52 AMPoor dog was probably going stir crazy shut up in a flat, no garden, probably no wonder some of them snap.

Who knows, Alex . . .  I still feel certain there is a lot we don't know.
It may be a wrong way of looking at this,  but at least that dog won't be bullied, tormented, or wrongly treated any more.

I always feel  -  "If only they could talk."
I would dearly love to hear their side of the story.


Had a quick Look on FB and google.  Can't find any report about it (yet)


Did the dog jump or was it thrown.. !!  Poor thing..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..