The boring thread.....

Started by Scrumpy, July 18, 2023, 11:58:08 AM

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JOB CENTRE on shed is brilliant.. :grin: :grin: :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


If you were a member of the armed forces I don't doubt you have. My late brother in law was in one of the Guards regiments and was a wepons instructor. Based in the Tower at one time. He had a load of entertining tales but some were pretty dark too.


Quote from: klondike on May 25, 2024, 02:26:18 PMIf you were a member of the armed forces I don't doubt you have. My late brother in law was in one of the Guards regiments and was a wepons instructor. Based in the Tower at one time. He had a load of entertining tales but some were pretty dark too.
Oddly enough I was in the Army, 27 years served and finished as a WO2 (SSM ) and a good few years as a Weapons Instructor amongst the many jobs I did. My tales are about life, sometimes humorous about my experiences , this is not a forum for revealing the dark side


Have you read the Spike Milligan war memoires?

Plus quite a few more.

After hearing my father's tales of his war as an aircraft fitter with much of that in North Africa I know I could relate to those of Gunner Milligan so maybe you could too albeit a genaration later.


Yep read it, the story of his time in Italy was really interesting and funny


Quote from: Vlad on May 25, 2024, 03:05:26 PMOddly enough I was in the Army, 27 years served and finished as a WO2 (SSM ) and a good few years as a Weapons Instructor amongst the many jobs I did. My tales are about life, sometimes humorous about my experiences , this is not a forum for revealing the dark side
My dad was a WO during WW2.  He had been in the reserves, so was called up immediately in 1939, at the age of 35.  He was a Sub Conductor in the RAOC, now called the Logistics Corps.  My teenage grandson showed an interest in the history if the war, so he's now got my dad's warrant, medals, his kit box, and a couple of photos of him on parade.  My father died when I was in my teens, it's good to know a little bit of history has been preserved.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on May 25, 2024, 06:44:34 PMMy dad was a WO during WW2.  He had been in the reserves, so was called up immediately in 1939, at the age of 35.  He was a Sub Conductor in the RAOC, now called the Logistics Corps.  My teenage grandson showed an interest in the history if the war, so he's now got my dad's warrant, medals, his kit box, and a couple of photos of him on parade.  My father died when I was in my teens, it's good to know a little bit of history has been preserved.
Yes it is most  of my family including my mom and dad served, we go as far back as the Crimean War where a relative a great great etc etc grandfather picked up a VC for capturing some Russians at the Battle of Inkerman 1854 and eventually died in Jamaica. His medal is still displayed at the Regimental museum in Brecon


Quote from: klondike on May 25, 2024, 03:32:59 PMHave you read the Spike Milligan war memoires?

Plus quite a few more.

After hearing my father's tales of his war as an aircraft fitter with much of that in North Africa I know I could relate to those of Gunner Milligan so maybe you could too albeit a genaration later.

Interesting.  My dad was a fitter-armourer in the RAF too.  Africa Star, Italy Star, France & Germany Star.

May 25, 2024, 07:47:14 PM
Quote from: Vlad on May 25, 2024, 07:07:05 PMYes it is most  of my family including my mom and dad served, we go as far back as the Crimean War
Wow!  I hadn't realised just how old you are, Vlad.  No wonder you're so tired these days.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: Vlad on May 25, 2024, 07:07:05 PMYes it is most  of my family including my mom and dad served, we go as far back as the Crimean War where a relative a great great etc etc grandfather picked up a VC for capturing some Russians at the Battle of Inkerman 1854 and eventually died in Jamaica. His medal is still displayed at the Regimental museum in Brecon
Some really interesting family history there!  
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Agreed.  Nice one Vlad👍


My mum's husband was a (spiv).. Always on the make.. Never fought for his country.. A coward !!.. or just a bastard. !!  Probably both..
Ran off with an usherette ... I guess he was blinded by her torch.. :wink:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


It's time!
Time for a boring tale...
Adventures in Asda, a Saga,
starring in no particular order, Vlad, The Chosen One, Bon Vivant, World Traveller, Gourmet, Philosopher and International Lover, and the obligatory cast of thousands.
Wars fought.
Revolutions Started
Uprisings Quelled
Bars Emptied
Computers Verified and all round good egg.

Has you might have guessed, it's raining and I am bored...

So are you sitting comfortably, if so I will begin.......



I'm all ears.. 
But don't use any long words.. 
Nor swear words.. Please don't talk about sex.. It buggers up my memory.. Nor wonky trollies..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


We need a 'Not Boring Thread' now   :grin:  :grin:  :grin: