Some People Shouldn't be Let Out.

Started by Raven, July 14, 2023, 11:12:06 AM

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Most likely a spoof for the fun of it.

On a related theme, have you noticed how when articles such as that one criticising something are written, they also add on some other quotes/reviews with completely the opposite viewpoint?  Am sure this is a recent thing.

Having said all that, the Welsh managed to build a railway up Snowden as well as put a shop up top.  I believe that the Japanese also build staircases up some mountains and have vending machines en route.  Just saying 😬🏃🏻


A spoof? Are you sure? There look to be some serious issues there. I reckon the SNP should put some investment in to bring it up to scratch.

Michael Rolls

So he wants a level mountain? That's a new one  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


It would make it easier for those in wheelchairs.



They ought to build a canal to go up and down Ben Nevis.  Then one could have afternoon tea with sandwiches and cream scones as one went.


Toilets and shops.. !!  Just imagine being a shop assistant and you live at the bottom.. !!! Blimey.. you would meet yourself coming home.. on the way going up..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: dextrous63 on July 14, 2023, 12:01:55 PMThey ought to build a canal to go up and down Ben Nevis.  Then one could have afternoon tea with sandwiches and cream scones as one went.
They need a big one of these boat lifts.


If he wanted an easy time of it then he should have gone East to the Cairngorms, :nooo: they have a chair lift to the top. In summer the tourists use it for sight seeing and in the winter it's used by the skiers.
Otherwise you walk/clamber, taking your sandwich, water ect with you, and rest on the rocks you find on the way.


Quote from: Scrumpy on July 14, 2023, 12:07:11 PMToilets and shops.. !!  Just imagine being a shop assistant and you live at the bottom.. !!! Blimey.. you would meet yourself coming home.. on the way going up..
Not if they built a train, a canal, a ski lift and cable cars.  Just imagine if they built a log flume to come down on, so you can have your piccie taken on the way down before they try to charge you an exorbitant fee for a printout of it.

These Scots just haven't thought this through.

Ashy-  That'd good, as would a slightly older type such as the Anderton Canal Lift


It needs a road. A proper road you can get camper vans up. I heard that the SNP like them so maybe there's a chance.


The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


I'd disagree. It's an obvious spoof put up to amuse. Kept a few here amused anyway  :grin:


Roads made using macadam (invented by a Scot) so that vehicles with rubber tyres (invented by a Scot), using out of work Scots.  Sounds like a dream plan.