Climate Crisis Shocker

Started by klondike, June 21, 2023, 08:33:18 AM

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Climate Crisis Shock: No Change in Average U.K. Temperatures for More Than Two Decades

It was a tad on the warm side last year in the United Kingdom. There was, for instance, a new turbo-charged 60-second high temperature record declared on July 19th, halfway down the runway at the jet fighter base of RAF Coningsby. Climate journalists were in full Thermogeddon reporting mode. It is almost a shame to bring facts and statistics to the party, although the poopers might note that there has been no change in average U.K. temperatures for more than two decades, following the short rise during the 1980s and 90s. Furthermore, the 10°C average temperature last year was only a rounding error higher than 2014. No change in the decades-long average temperature is indicated by the fact that the current 10-year running average in the U.K. is still no higher than it was between 1998 and 2007 at 9.4°C.

More including lots of backup data :


The Green industry fraudsters won't like that report. 
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
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The trouble is that people remember extremes. Papers report extremes. We had a couple or so days of quite hot weather. It's the summer FFS. We had some scorchers when I was at school. And some floods. And some snow. And some gales. What is important is the averages and general trend. 

This shows negligible change in the UK I've seen others for the world that are similar. In those there is indeed a modest general rise but we really don't know just how accurate old records are or for that matter current ones. There is disagreement between satellite measurements and land based ones. A lot of that can be attributed to where the recording instruments are located. Urban areas and airports as was mentioned in that story are often higher than in the countryside.

I really don't believe that "the science is settled". Certainly not settled enough for the mad dash to unreliable wind in this country which will impoverish us, close down our industries and do nothing for the world picture anyway as we only contribute 1% of world man made CO2.

Michael Rolls

as usual - the nutters rule the world
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
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