Careful there Mike

Started by klondike, June 15, 2023, 08:35:21 AM

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Families could face a criminal record and fines for putting their rubbish in the wrong bin under crackdown by the SNP and Greens in Scotland

  • Families could be handed a fine or criminal record for using the wrong bin
  • Penalties are likely to be set at a similar level to parking fines, which start at £60

Families could be slapped with a criminal record for putting their rubbish in the wrong bin.

Under a new SNP/Green crackdown, local councils would also be handed the power to impose fines on households that fail to recycle properly.

Penalties are likely to be set at a similar level to parking fines, which currently start at £60 but can be lowered to £30 if paid within two weeks.

Any 'serious and persistent' offenders could be referred to police and face criminal prosecution. It is also likely to lead to local authorities stepping up spying missions on family waste bins.

The draconian plans were revealed yesterday within the Circular Economy Bill, which includes the possibility of a 'latte levy' on single-use takeaway coffee cups.

It comes after the SNP was forced to shelve the 'ill-thought through' and costly Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), which would have added a refundable 20p onto the price of all drinks in plastic bottles, glass bottles or cans.

Full story :

Not a new idea. They were doing something similar in Germany decades ago but Germans of course are used to following orders.

The problem I see is where are all those bins going to be kept? Ok Mike will have no problem with his sprawling estate but what about poor Rab C in his tiny Glasgow tenement. Will he have to get the coal out of the bath and use it to store his recycling bins instead? Will the metal bin be big enough to hold all the tinnies? This cannot have been thought through.

Plus, of course, since China stopped taking it most just ends up in incinerators and landfill anyway.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

how bloody silly - and so typical of the SNP and their Green allies

June 15, 2023, 09:16:25 AM
oh - and undoubtedly another step in increased fly tipping, whihc has noticeable increased around here with the downsizing of the green bins (landfill)
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The Scots voted for them, so who are they going to blame?
Numquam credere Gallicum


Maybe the Scots are super keen on recycling though. I'm not. The best thing that happened here was when a single bin replaced a plethera of different colour boxes here.

The boxes used to tip over or the rubbish just blow out on windy days. I recall going somewhere in the town where the street looked like a tip with hardly any path or road showing between the bits of rubbish. It was nearly as bad as the town centre on a Sunday morning except it wasn't just Burger King,  Maccy D and KFC boxes decorated with pavement pizzas.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


To be honest, we have had four different bins for quite a long time:
Green - garden waste, Blue - paper and card, Brown - bottles and cans, Black - everything else.
Green - collected every week.
Black -  collected every other week.
Brown - collected every other week.
Blue - collected once every four weeks.
The Black is by far the smallest of them all and, not surprisingly, is always full to bursting and requires us pushing down to cram it all in!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Can this world get any madder?  A visit from the police for putting your recycling in the wrong bin, but your house can be burgled and nobody will come out.


Quote from: Michael Rolls on June 15, 2023, 09:15:19 AMhow bloody silly - and so typical of the SNP and their Green allies

June 15, 2023, 09:16:25 AM
oh - and undoubtedly another step in increased fly tipping, whihc has noticeable increased around here with the downsizing of the green bins (landfill)

Out of control nutter freaks - don't vote for them, as I know you don't Mike. Their the new Stasi of Britain.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...

Michael Rolls

couldn't agree more - bloody control freaks - and the Greens have caused delays to A9 improvements = Scotland's most dangerous roads = still what's a few more deaths when you are saving the planet?
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I believe this is The Greens doing, The SNP didn't do this sort of stuff. I hope they never have to share power again as their ways are very different to other Parties.


No the SNP concentrate on gender inclusion and the like don't they? Wasn't it putting that rapist who decided to call himself a woman in a female prison that brought Sturgeon down. Or was that just an excuse as she knew what was likely coming next on the missing £600k front?

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


The SNP have done a lot for Scotland, but of course the haters only choose to remember the bad few decisions they made. Then throw it in our faces over n over. :shocked:


Of course some people in Scotland have benefited from the SNP being in power, if I didn't work, lived in social housing, and had several children, I'd be very happy.  If I was earning around the national average income, would I be happy to pay more income tax? I'm not sure.  Scotland benefits from more public spending per head due to Mr Barnet, but I wonder how it would be funded if the country did get independence, the SNP are a bit sketchy on that subject.  Also, even with all the freebies, life expectancy in Scotland continues to decline.  

I was however pleased when Scotland withdrew the Right To Buy, and I agree with SOME university education being free. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on June 16, 2023, 09:41:39 AMOf course some people in Scotland have benefited from the SNP being in power, if I didn't work, lived in social housing, and had several children, I'd be very happy.  If I was earning around the national average income, would I be happy to pay more income tax? I'm not sure.  Scotland benefits from more public spending per head due to Mr Barnet, but I wonder how it would be funded if the country did get independence, the SNP are a bit sketchy on that subject.  Also, even with all the freebies, life expectancy in Scotland continues to decline. 

I was however pleased when Scotland withdrew the Right To Buy, and I agree with SOME university education being free.
Absolutely.  I feel exactly the same way.

I'd normally be happy with the Barnett Formula, which benefits Scotland and Wales (I think), as they are relatively poor compared to the south-east of England.

What seems to have been conveniently forgotten is that the north of England is also poor compared to the south-east of England.  Unfortunately, there is no Barnett Formula for the North.

Perhaps we in the North should be pushing for independence.  The Southerners might then wake up and, like they have for Scotland, offer the same for the North.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Yorkshire thinks its an independent country anyway!  :grin:
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖