Wally of the Week

Started by Alex, May 13, 2023, 07:36:35 PM

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What about "Wally Willoughby " what a performance, the virginal white dress set it off nicely :ugh:


Quote from: Scrumpy on June 06, 2023, 07:59:31 AMWally of the Week..

Harry... ( again)... Writing in his book Spare that he had taken drugs..
 Now the American court is asking questions .. About Visas and drugs..
 Can you imagine him being deported !! :busted:

June 06, 2023, 08:04:40 AM
Wally of the Week..

Him again.. Not showing up in the High Court yesterday.. The judge raised his eyebrows..
Arrogance at its worst.. 
Well he's in court now, trying (as a witness) trying to prove that the Mirror (I think it is) has obtained and published details about him illegally.

I'm afraid it will take several weeks, as these things inevitably do, but I hope that at the end of it Harold will have egg on his face and, even better, having to pay the costs of the trial.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2023, 10:32:23 AMWhat about "Wally Willoughby " what a performance, the virginal white dress set it off nicely :ugh:
And so concerned about the viewers being upset!  :wtf:
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: GrannyMac on June 06, 2023, 07:51:57 PMAnd so concerned about the viewers being upset!  :wtf:

 :grin: wasn't she just !


Quote from: JBR on June 06, 2023, 12:07:13 PMbut I hope that at the end of it Harold will have egg on his face and, even better, having to pay the costs of the trial.

Well I hope he doesn't, those newspaper hounds are nasty pieces of work who don't give a hoot how they get their stories, destroying people's lives in the process they need stopped.  :angry:


Quote from: Raven on June 07, 2023, 11:29:06 AMWell I hope he doesn't, those newspaper hounds are nasty pieces of work who don't give a hoot how they get their stories, destroying people's lives in the process they need stopped.  :angry:
I disagree.  He gets exactly what he deserves.  He had done all he can to cause trouble for his own family and, in so doing, has turned the majority of people in this country against him.
The press do what they have always done and, were it not for Harold's stupidity, they wouldn't have any ammunition to use against him.
Numquam credere Gallicum


It takes two to argue and fall out not just one. His brother is just as capable of being a nasty scunner as Harry is. That scowl often on his face tells me everything I need to to know about Mr not so squeaky clean. :sad:


Quote from: Raven on June 07, 2023, 01:44:14 PMIt takes two to argue and fall out not just one. His brother is just as capable of being a nasty scunner as Harry is. That scowl often on his face tells me everything I need to to know about Mr not so squeaky clean. :sad:
What has William done wrongly?
Other than pushing Harold into the dog bowl, of course.
How is William a 'nasty scunner'?
Even if he scowls a bit!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Oh FHS,Go and read my original post. The point is NOT Harry or William, it's about stopping the medias behaviour. And stop looking for an argument this is not OFF.


Many ( celebrities) and ( Royals) have been known to play the media and use them to their advantage..
Harry and Meghan would hate to be ignored.. as would Diana back in the day..
They can't have it all their own way.. and just have sweet smiley pictures of themselves.. Readers would soon get bored... 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on June 07, 2023, 07:36:59 PMMany ( celebrities) and ( Royals) have been known to play the media and use them to their advantage..
Harry and Meghan would hate to be ignored.. as would Diana back in the day..
They can't have it all their own way.. and just have sweet smiley pictures of themselves.. Readers would soon get bored...

Yes I know and your quite correct, but I personally feel the media go much to far these days. They won't leave you alone, take photos they have no right to take, hack into emails texts voice mails ect. Print lies and destroy lives. IMO it needs to stop.


Getting celebs voicemails has been stopped I think. It wasn't really hacking it was stupidity on the part of the celebs. They just left voicemail passwords as provider defaults. Anybody with their phone number could just collect voice mails. 

I doubt that journalists are smart enought to do any proper hacking and imagine most of the stories come from the celebs "friends". If they didn't get their pics in the paper they would likely cry. I doubt many of the "wardrobe malfunctions" are accidental either.

Those that want fame on only their own terms will be disappointed. It's the public to blame too. If they didn't show huge interest in all the crap it wouldn't get published.


Wally of the Week..

Lucas Makula...  He helped kick a total stranger to death.. Served two years..
 He is suing... saying his electronic tag ruined his social life..
 Any bets that he will make a few bob for himself..?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I had to look him up, reading that he has breached his bail condition 13 times and has already received £18,000 compo for false imprisonment !!!! AND he should have been deported to Slovakia.  I wouldn't call him a 'wally' he's a violent thug.


I didn't see all about him..  Well, well well.. We certainly are a 'Soft touch'..
... and he certainly isn't a Wally... 

Wally(s) of the Week.. !!!!   The title has to go to the UK...
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..