Reclaim Party has a new MP

Started by Ashy, May 10, 2023, 10:26:38 AM

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Mr Andrew Bridgen MP has announces he has joined the Reclaim Party this morning.


Will he get re-elected though? 

Now if the non LibDem Tories all did the same thing I wonder if they would? Most certainly won't as Tories that's for sure.


He is not calling for a by election so we'll see at the general election I suppose.


I wonder if Reform and Reclaim parties will take off?  Many people don't want Labour or Conservative.


Whilst the First Past the Post system makes it difficult, it did work for the original labour party. It depends on whether electors look at what politicians are doing to them I suppose.


The problem is that the voting system has taught the electorate that you either vote Tory or Labour or maybe LibDem if seriously pissed off and any other vote may as well be submitted on tissue paper or simply not made at all.


I agree, the majority of those who want change will tend to vote for the second largest party candidate (usually labour or conservative) rather than the best candidate in their opinion, assuming that there is any real choice. We can see some successes such as the one Green MP or the SNP, and some failures such as UKIP. I call them successes because they won their elections, not because they are any good.


I call them successes because they won their elections, not because they are any good.

Phew! Had me worried there.  :grin:


I wasn't aware of the interest in Reclaim.  I thought, like UKIP, it had disappeared or united with Reform.

A serious problem, because they could take some of the votes for Reform, ensuring that both Reclaim and Reform each obtain fewer votes.  I believe it would be better if both, along with any other such centre-right minor parties, could unite.

The only logical consequence is that one of the Lib-Dems, the Lib-Cons, or the Marxists will form our next government, and the country will continue to sink.
Numquam credere Gallicum


It would make some sense. A bit like the People's Liberation Army and the Army of People's Liberation refusing to cooperate.

Sadly it makes no difference what they do as we are heading for a Labour government. The only real questions are whether or not that will be a majority government and whether or not the Tories get beaten into third place which any intelligent observer would deduce appears to be their aim.


Laurence Fox's Party, Bridgen has also issued upon Hancock for branding him Antisemitic.

The Tories will look into their cellar and find another Green gilled, Globalist clone from Tunbridge Wells to stand at this Leicester seat. Whatever happens twixt now and next year's election, the Pakistani ethnic vote will decide it anyway this time - so another Labour gain
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: JBR on May 10, 2023, 05:41:59 PMI believe it would be better if both, along with any other such centre-right minor parties, could unite.
Reform won't do it, most of the other minor patriotic parties have formed an alliance.


Running Reform alongside Reclaim will provide a minor boost to councils - two lost deposits instead of just the one. I'll be annoyed as I'll have to think about which gets my vote or whether just not bothering is the answer.


It must be better to vote than not to vote.


Actually, the way things are going in this country, after the next election I may not even bother to vote in future elections, as my vote will make no difference at all.
Most people still vote for the 'two main parties', each of which is as bad as the other, so I can only assume that people are happy for things to continue as they have since the new millennium began.

I do feel rather sorry for the young people of this country, though.
Numquam credere Gallicum