And a bit of nonsense too

Started by klondike, April 06, 2023, 08:09:30 AM

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Invite Drag Queens into Schools to "Challenge Heteronormative Culture", Says Largest Teaching Union

Drag queens should be invited into schools to make them more inclusive, the U.K.'s biggest teaching union has said in a vote to challenge the "heteronormative culture and curriculum that dominates education". The Telegraph has the story.

Members of the National Education Union (NEU) voted to support LGBT+ initiatives including drag queen storytime and inviting LGBT+ authors to speak in schools at the union's annual conference in Harrogate on Wednesday.

They said that the activities would help to challenge the "heteronormative culture and curriculum that dominates education".

Weapons Grades voted through the motion after Shelby Millard, a teacher working at a secondary school in Sutton, Surrey, told delegates that Rishi Sunak "is supporting the far-Right attacks on drag queen storytime" and "the murder of beautiful souls like Brianna [Ghey]".

Two teenagers were charged in February with the murder of transgender teenager Brianna Ghey, who was found with stab wounds in a park.

The union later issued a statement saying that Ms Millard "unreservedly apologises for the wording of her conference speech" after she met with NEU officials.

An NEU spokesperson said: "She apologises and withdraws the specific allegation that Rishi Sunak supported the murder of a young trans girl. Many trans and non-binary teachers feel strongly that the Government is not doing enough to support them but it is essential that we always debate policy solutions in calm and measured ways."

NEU members agreed that the Government is "creating a hostile environment" for trans people by blocking Scotland's gender reform plans to allow people over 16 to change their legal sex by signing a statutory declaration.

This has "encouraged the far-Right to organise further attacks on drag queen storytime and has created an atmosphere where hate crime can thrive," they said.

MPs and groups such as the Women's Rights Network have raised concerns that drag queens provide sexualised adult entertainment that is not suitable for children.

Miriam Cates, Conservative MP, said: "It is highly concerning that the NEU is endorsing the exposure of young children to drag queens dressed and performing in a highly sexualised way in the supposed safety of the classroom. I can't believe that most teachers or parents would support this and I would urge the NEU to revisit some basic safeguarding principles."

Tanya Carter, from Safe Schools Alliance, said: "NEU's persistence in abandoning established safeguarding the minute they are distracted by glitter and rainbows brings the entire teaching profession into disrepute. This is an insult to our members and all other teachers who work incredibly hard to protect children."

The NEU will encourage all schools to set up LGBT+ spaces after the motion was voted through on Wednesday.

Source :

William Jones 3B Easter Report
English 3/10
Mathematics 3/10
History 1/10
Geography 4/10
Anal sex techniques 10/10

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Oh Dear, I can't help thinking back to my school days and wondering what my teachers would have thought of all todays changes. Amused they would not have been.  :shocked:

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The nuns would have had heart failure !   :grin:  :grin:


Not really suitable for kids is it ... not quite like the good old days of panto.

And here's a new word on me

Who on earth thinks these up.


Have they really not got more important things to teach children, such as reading, writing, some maths, an appreciation of nature and other animals and plants, etc etc.

This sort of nonsense by a tiny number of teachers is a complete embarrassment to the 99.9% who get tarred with the same brush.


Heteronormative Culture - it's in the normative bit, hetrosexuals are normal alternatives are not, why pander to the depraved minority.


Leaving aside the emotive word "depraved" for a bit.

Until such times as two same gender adults can copulate to create a baby without medical intervention, the "norm" for the species is heterosexual activity.


How about ' perverted' then  ?  :hmm:
I bet these 'story times' aren't allowed in muslim schools !   How on earth does this crap get voted through by the unions ?


Absolutely no idea!

I suspect that the actual number of "genuine" transgender people is statistically inconsequential, so it's a complete mystery why it's being such a big deal about.  

I'm red/green colour blind.  I don't recall the unions voting for my "rights" and trying to force everyone into not using red and green colours close together as it might confuse people such as myself.


Nowt wrong with that.
Kids have always liked clowns and found them particularly entertaining.
When we become older, of course, the humour quickly wears off.
Numquam credere Gallicum


What we might well ask is why this perversion has been pushed at the same time in all four corners of the globe in the same way as certain other unusual things have. Someone, somewhere, is out to destroy us.


Well, Covid didn't work in terms of culling the human species down to a potentially sustainable number.  So maybe interfering with the possibility of procreation might do it instead?