Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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The vicar revived his eyes were bleary 
He yawned and stretched, and looked so weary


The vicar revived his eyes were bleary
He yawned and stretched, and looked so weary
He stumbled down the path to home
Tripping over a garden gnome
He saw his wife, and said 'sorry dearie'.


There was a young woman from Slough

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


There was a young woman from Slough
Who took in a lodger from Krakow


There was a young woman from Slough
Who took in a lodger from Krakow
For several weeks
They just didn't speak

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


There was a young woman from Slough
Who took in a lodger from Krakow
For several weeks
They just didn't speak
And then one day, you guessed it! KAPPOW!! 🥳 💘 



Kev sat in the Working Man's Club
Cheaper beer than it was in the pub


Kev sat in the Working Man's Club
Cheaper beer than it was in the pub
Ten bob a year membership fee
Two turns a week, entrance free
He fancied the barmaid, but she gave him a snub.


Kev tried his luck at the bingo with Fred
Fred's dobber was black, Kev's was red
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Kev tried his luck at the bingo with Fred
Fred's dobber was black, Kev's was red
They were jealous of Joe's who's dobber was green
His dobber was the biggest they'd seen
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Kev tried his luck at the bingo with Fred
Fred's dobber was black, Kev's was red
They were jealous of Joe's who's dobber was green
His dobber was the biggest they'd seen
Joe always took his dobber to bed

Fred and Betty settled in France


Fred and Betty settled in France 
To start again, and have a new chance


Fred and Betty settled in France
To start again, and have a new chance
The liked the cheese, drank lots of wine
They really had a lovely time

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Fred and Betty settled in France
To start again, and have a new chance
The liked the cheese, drank lots of wine
They really had a lovely time
Then joined a club and learned how to dance.

 Mabel's  husband snores like all night
Gob wide open,  what a sight
Gone are the days of cuddles and love



Mabel's husband snores all night
Gob wide open, what a sight
Gone were the days of cuddles and love
No rumpy pumpy ,none of that stuff
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Mabel's husband snores all night
Gob wide open, what a sight
Gone are the days of cuddles and love
No rumpy pumpy, none of that stuff
And if he tried, it would give her a fright.