Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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I hear Mavis got a wolf whistle today
She had to smile and give her hips a sway


I hear Mavis got a wolf whistle today
She had to smile and give her hips a sway
She fluttered her eyelashes and stuck out her chest
She knew she was sexy and looking her best
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I hear Mavis got a wolf whistle today
She had to smile and give her hips a sway
She fluttered her eyelashes and stuck out her chest
She knew she was sexy and looking her best
And fancied a roll in the hay.  :grin:


Gert's groceries were delivered each week


Gert's groceries were delivered each week
There was one delivery man to whom she loved to speak
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Gert's groceries were delivered each week
There was a delivery man to whom she loved to speak
Eggs and milk, shampoo for her hair
He carried her baps with so much care
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Gert's groceries were delivered each week
There was a delivery man to whom she loved to speak
Eggs and milk, shampoo for her hair
He handled her baps with so much care
Never so roughly to cause a shriek



There was an old farmer from Slough
Who was very attached to his cow


There was an old farmer from Slough
Who was very attached to his cow
He milked her with care  🐄 


There was an old farmer from Slough
Who was very attached to his cow
He milked her with care  🐄
Even took her to the fair

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


There was an old farmer from Slough
Who was very attached to his cow
He milked her with care  🐄
Even took her to the fair
Along with her bestie the sow



A nice young Adonis from Bath
Met a girl in the library called Kath


A nice young Adonis from Bath
Met a girl in the library called Kath
Overcome by his looks
She forgot all about books

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


A nice young Adonis from Bath
Met a girl in the library called Kath
Overcome by his looks
She forgot all about books 
And took him up the garden path.


There was an old man from Stranraer
Who toddled down the pub for a beer