Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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Inspector Daring was a cop at the Met
He liked to drink, he liked to bet
A bit of a lad
 His handcuffs in bed made his wife very glad
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Inspector Daring was a cop at the Met
He liked a drink, he liked a bet
A bit of a lad -
Some said a Cad


Inspector Daring was a cop at the Met
He liked a drink, he liked a bet
A bit of a lad -
Some said a Cad
Some said he was really a pet!!



There was a young man from Marden
Who loved to spend time in his garden


There was a young man from Marden
Who loved to spend time in his garden
But his hearing was lacking
So when the neighbour kept yakking
All he kept saying was . .  'Pardon?'

* * *

When Phil was cooking his tea


When Phil was cooking his tea
He was stung on the nose by a bee
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


When Phil was cooking his tea
He was stung on the nose by a bee
It swelled up and started to throb
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


When Phil was cooking his tea
He was stung on the nose by a bee
It swelled up and started to throb 
And  made the poor man sob


When Phil was cooking his tea
He was stung on the nose by a bee
It swelled up and started to throb 
And  made the poor man sob
So much that he could hardly see 


As Bert watched the sun set in the West


As Bert watched the sunset in the West
A spider crawled under his vest 🕷 


As Bert watched the sun set in the West
A spider crawled under his vest 🕷 
He first felt a tickle
Followed by a prickle


As Bert watched the sun set in the West
A spider crawled under his vest 🕷
He first felt a tickle
Followed by a prickle
Now he has a bare chest.


Dave sent Lil a Valentine
All hearts and roses saying 'Please be Mine'
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Dave sent Lil a Valentine
All hearts and roses saying 'Please be Mine' 
She guessed it was from Dave -
Although unusually brave