Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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The man from Ocado just came
I can't remember his name
Now was it Tzingombo
Or maybe Flynzumbo 
Cos to me they sound much the same.


The snow's coming back, so they say


The snow's coming back, so they say
But I hope it stays away for today


The snow's coming back, so they say
But I hope it stays away for today 
It feels a bit colder
Unless I'm getting older


The snow's coming back, so they say
But I hope it stays away for today 
It feels a bit colder
Unless I'm getting older
Far too chilly for a roll in the hay! 😆


Pete decided to go to the gym
But first he he had a half hour swim
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Pete decided to go to the gym
But first he he had a half hour swim
His elastic pinged, and he lost his trunks
Just as he swam past two big hunks


Pete decided to go to the gym
But first he he had a half hour swim
His elastic pinged, and he lost his trunks
Just as he swam past two big hunks
Phew a lucky escape as neither fancied him



It's time to start the next rhyme
I should have done that - I'd plenty of time


It's time to start the next rhyme
I should have done that - I'd plenty of time
At our age we sometimes forget
Specially if we nip to the toilet

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


It's time to start the next rhyme
I should have done that - I'd plenty of time
At our age we sometimes forget
Specially if we nip to the toilet 
But no matter,  everything's fine.


Pete was planning his summer break


Pete was planning his summer break
Betty or Olive ! Who would he take
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Pete was planning his summer break
Betty or Olive ! Who would he take
He decided on both being that sort of chap


Pete was planning his summer break
Betty or Olive ! Who would he take
He decided on both being that sort of chap
They'd amuse each other while he had his nap


Pete was planning his summer break
Betty or Olive ! Who would he take
He decided on both being that sort of chap
They'd amuse each other while he had his nap
Then they'd spend time together once he was awake.


A funny old chap from Dunbar
Was obsessed with cleaning his car
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖