Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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Fred sat by the fire to thaw himself out
It warmed his hands, but didn't help his gout
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Fred sat by the fire to thaw himself out
It warmed his hands, but didn't help his gout
He went to the Doc's
Who prescribed Thermal socks


Fred sat by the fire to thaw himself out
It warmed his hands, but didn't help his gout
He went to the Doc's
Who prescribed Thermal socks
And an evening glass of milk stout



Fred soon felt better so joined the Gym
A spell on a treadmill left him feeling grim


Fred soon felt better and joined the Gym
A spell on the treadmill left him feeling grim
A bit of line dancing might soften the blow
And he might get a chance of saying 'Howdy' to Flo
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Fred soon felt better and joined the Gym
A spell on the treadmill left him feeling grim
A bit of line dancing might soften the blow
And he might get a chance of saying 'Howdy' to Flo
He could strike lucky there - he has plenty of dough


Bertie loved Sunday dinner the best


Bertie loved his Sunday dinner the best
Even when he dribbled gravy down his vest


Bertie loved his Sunday dinner the best
Even when he dribbled gravy down his vest
His wife told him off
So he called her a toff


Bertie loved his Sunday dinner the best
Even when he dribbled gravy down his vest
His wife told him off
So he called her a toff
And there was no need to get over stressed


A monkey who lived in the trees
One day found a big bunch of keys


A monkey who lived in the trees
One day found a big bunch of keys
One opened up the peanut store
And another fruit and veg galore
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


A monkey who lived in the trees
One day found a big bunch of keys
One opened up the peanut store
And another fruit and veg galore 
And something to deal with his fleas! 


A handsome man living down South


A handsome man living down South
Was just fine 'til he opened his mouth