Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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There was a young lady from Sutton
Who was sadly a bit of a glutton
A huge plateful of pies
Brought a gleam to her eyes 
And so did a plateful of mutton.


There was an old man from Kent


There was an old man from Kent
Who was noticed wherever he went 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


There was an old man from Kent
Who was noticed wherever he went
His hair was bright red


There was an old man from Kent
Who was noticed wherever he went
His hair was bright red
And he had a huge head 


There was an old man from Kent
Who was noticed wherever he went
His hair was bright red
And he had a huge head
And spoke with a broad Geordie accent

A retired librarian from Hull


A retired librarian from Hull
Fancied a trip to Mull


A retired librarian from Hull
Fancied a trip to Mull
The rough sea made him sick

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


A retired librarian from Hull
Fancied a trip to Mull
The rough sea made him sick
The cold got on his wick

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


A retired librarian from Hull
Fancied a trip to Mull
The rough sea made him sick
The cold got on his wick 
And the weather was raining and dull.


A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


A wizened old vicar from Ealing
Accused a poor choirboy of stealing


A wizened old vicar from Ealing
Accused a poor choir boy of stealing
He said a bottle of waters gone missing
Which is needed for this afternoons christening
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


A wizened old vicar from Ealing
Accused a poor choir boy of stealing
He said "a bottle of water's gone missing
Which is needed for this afternoon's christening
And with you, my lad, I will be dealing"


There was a young lad from Poole
Who was always bunking off school

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


There was a young lad from Poole
Who was always bunking off school 
He would hide in the park
Until nearly dark