Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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Hope springs eternal in Maggie's breast
She wears her best lippy, and looks her best


Hope springs eternal in Maggie's breast
She wears her best lippy, and looks her best
For wrinkles and cracks she relies on pollyfiller


Hope springs eternal in Maggie's breast
She wears her best lippy, and looks her best
For wrinkles and cracks she relies on pollyfiller
She thinks she is a real man killer

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Hope springs eternal in Maggie's breast
She wears her best lippy, and looks her best
For wrinkles and cracks she relies on pollyfiller
She thinks she is a real man killer
And she tries to be full of zest.

*  *

It's almost New Years Eve
And Karen's got a date with Steve


It's almost New Years Eve
And Karen's got a date with Steve
He's raring to go!


It's almost New Years Eve
And Karen's got a date with Steve
He's raring to go
After Karen he's meeting Flo
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


It's almost New Years Eve
And Karen's got a date with Steve
He's raring to go
After Karen he's meeting Flo 
That's if Karen allows him to leave.  :grin:

*  *

So what have you got for tea?


So what have you got for tea?
I'll check the freezer after I've had a pee


So what have you got for tea?
I'll check the freezer after I've had a pee
I can't do it before ,my hands would be cold
There are things with cold hands I wouldn't hold

Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


So what have you got for tea?
I'll check the freezer after I've had a pee
I can't do it before ,my hands would be cold
There are things with cold hands I wouldn't hold
Ah a nice curry - that'll do me

Wow that curry really was hot
Now for some afters. Let's see what I've got


Wow that curry was really hot
Now for some afters. Lets see what I've got
Christmas pud? No, I'm too full
Let's have ice cream, it'll make my mouth cool
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Wow that curry was really hot
Now for some afters. Lets see what I've got
Christmas pud? No, I'm too full
Let's have ice cream, it'll make my mouth cool 
I think I'd best have quite a lot!

*  *  *

Bert felt he could sleep for a week


Bert felt he could sleep for a week
He collapsed into bed and heard a creak


Bert felt he could sleep for a week
He collapsed into bed and heard a creak
He nervously coughed
The leg broke off
And he fell on the floor in a heap


Bert went shopping for a nice new bed

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Bert went shopping for a nice new bed
New sheets too in a sultry red