Lets write a Limerick, one line at a time.

Started by GrannyMac, March 18, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

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But he loved his wife, Flo, as well
Along with Ethel, Bertie and Nell
He wore a red frock on a Friday night
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


But he loved his wife, Flo, as well
Along with Ethel, Bertie and Nell
He wore a red frock on a Friday night
Which gave his neighbours a fright


But he loved his wife, Flo, as well
Along with Ethel, Bertie and Nell
He wore a red frock on a Friday night
Which gave his neighbours a fright 
Then Sid opened his window to yell. . .

"You look a right twerp"  yelled he


"You look a right twerp"  yelled he 
"Get a full length mirror and see,"


"You look a right twerp"  yelled he
"Get a full length mirror and see,"
So the fella from Fife
Went  home to his wife

Michael Rolls

You look a right twerp"  yelled he
"Get a full length mirror and see,"
So the fella from Fife
Went  home to his wife
And had kippers and jam for tea

There once was a man from Montrose
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


There was a young man from Montrose
Who liked to strut and pose
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


There was a young man from Montrose
Who liked to strut and pose
In the disco he'd shine


There was a young man from Montrose
Who liked to strut and pose
In the disco he'd shine 
His dancing sublime

Michael Rolls

There was a young man from Montrose
Who liked to strut and pose
In the disco he'd shine
His dancing sublime
Til he went and tripped over his toes

A careless young surgeon from Neath
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


A careless young surgeon from Neath
Fell over and knocked out his teeth


A careless young surgeon from Neath
Fell over and knocked out his teeth
He forgot to use Poligrip to help keep his teeth in
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


A careless young surgeon from Neath
Fell over and knocked out his teeth
He forgot to use Poligrip to help keep his teeth in
So now he has lost his winning grin

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


A careless young surgeon from Neath
Fell over and knocked out his teeth
He forgot to use Poligrip to help keep his teeth in
So now he has lost his winning grin
And sleeps out on Hampstead Heath.

*  *

There once lived a Parrot in Ayr


There once lived a Parrot in Ayr
For fun Stan taught it to swear

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy