Their party will...

Started by Scrumpy, January 11, 2022, 11:32:42 AM

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... destroy THEIR party..

When I saw  ITV news today showing that at least 100 emails were sent out inviting others to a  'Bring your own bottle' drinks party.. It really got my backup.
I thought of my lovely friend Dennis  dying alone in a place he wasn't familiar with and RonYork looking through the window at his beloved wife..
They, Boris and his drinking buddies, have proven that they make rules for others to follow ,that found to be broken could warrant a fine, that do not include themselves..
You can talk about ' Going on about it' but this time he really has taken the p*ss..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I agree - dispicable! I spent time in hospital early on (April 2020) and nearly didn't make it. Every day someone didn't. Watching an old fella across from me saying goodbye to his family on an iPAD is something that will never leave me :(

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."


-Oy-   That must have been heartbreaking to see..

I can not understand how he ( Johnson) can make rules and  blatantly ignore them..
Is he that smug that he cares not about the back stabbers in his party.. Those that would be happy to ( snitch) on others.. and see him fall..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


He foolishly didn't expect to be caught. This and the wallpaper will be the end of him. All petty stupid stuff. Unforced errors.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Wandering Walter

Yes Boris will not last much longer he has to go before the next GE, the Civil Servant who sent out the invites should be sacked


He should go now, but he won't of course and the substandard people he has around him don't want to show their heads above the ramparts just now either. I know there are many Boris fans on this and the other forum who have not appreciated (as a lifetime Conservative) my disgust with his greenery and other duplicities over the past year. Interesting to see if the tousled jaberwock with £800 a roll wallpaper can stumble his way out of this one?

My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...

Wandering Walter

I thought he was doing well with the Pandemic ,  he has always been eccentric he may look a clown because of his hair which cannot be tamed no matter what his barber tries to do, he should have been more careful who he surrounded himself with Cummings was a big mistake.



Things seem to have got worse for Boris since Cummings left !  and I agree the civil servant who sent out the e-mail invite should be sacked.   I just think this 'collection' of petty stuff may be hiding something far more serious.


Boris is an inherent weakling, he is scared of conflict and surrounded by a squad of generation X apparatchiks and remainers.

Can you imagine him in charge at the 'Battle of Rorke's Drift'? He'd have opened the barriers and invited the Zulu's to a demonstration on heat pumps!
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...



Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: Wandering Walter on January 11, 2022, 03:24:29 PM
I thought he was doing well with the Pandemic ,  he has always been eccentric he may look a clown because of his hair which cannot be tamed no matter what his barber tries to do, he should have been more careful who he surrounded himself with Cummings was a big mistake.

I do not for one moment believe that Boris is a 'victim' of his unruly hair. I see it as a carefully cultivated 'image' thing that he's found very useful over the years along with the bumbling persona. There's very little accidental about him or his image.


Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: zoony on January 11, 2022, 06:14:21 PM
I do not for one moment believe that Boris is a 'victim' of his unruly hair. I see it as a carefully cultivated 'image' thing that he's found very useful over the years along with the bumbling persona. There's very little accidental about him or his image.

Completely a practised professional all round idiot :wink:
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: zoony on January 11, 2022, 06:14:21 PM
I do not for one moment believe that Boris is a 'victim' of his unruly hair. I see it as a carefully cultivated 'image' thing that he's found very useful over the years along with the bumbling persona. There's very little accidental about him or his image.

My thoughts as well. The bumbling is all an act.  :nooo: