Nessie. Something a wee bit different.

Started by Raven, December 18, 2022, 07:42:29 AM

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Came across this a few minutes ago and I see it's a new addition. I have always thought that there's something in that Loch, not necessarily a monster, but something. My sisters and I were raised listening to dad telling us Nessie Stories (alongside Jacobite and Clan stories) dad was a total believer, he took us to the Loch every now and then in the summer holidays, we spent the day walking, playing and hunting for signs of Nessie, and a nice picnic lunch on the Loch Shore.
What's your belief? Is there or Isn't there.  [2040]


Of course there is a monster in the loch...
My mum said so.. and she was always right.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I think it's more of a human interpretation problem than anything large living in the loch which has no access to the sea. I'd put it in the same class as UFO sightings. It's easy enough for the eyes to be fooled by something which you can't quite identify. 

Unidentified waves or something floating in the loch simply by it being that loch will be attributed to the monster just as an unidentified light in the sky will become a UFO.

There have been so many quite lengthy searches of the loch with nothing found that I can't see there being anything there which would be unlikely anyway. Nessie is a UFO for sure - an unidentified floating object.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


If there was a monster in the loch the Poles would have eaten it by now.


My local canal and river bear witness to that....

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


I think there is/was someting in the Loch from time to time. I think it comes and goes through the underwater cave system and passages, I also think it could be a desendant of the prehistoric plesiosaur family, perhaps it comes to the loch to lay eggs or have young and returns to the ocean again.
I know a lot of the sightings are just hoaxs by people, but maybe, just maybe, not all.


Like every Scottish child I grew up believing in Nessie.  I like your idea Raven, some creature comes and goes. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


How would it get out to the sea if it comes and goes  ? :cool:


It wears a false nose and glasses so nobody recognises it  :grin:

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?





Remember Loch Ness runs along a massive fault line that shifts sometimes. What was there may now be different or changed. Have a wee read of this it's interesting.


Very interesting, perhaps Morag and Nessie are one and the same  ?  :grin:  :grin: