Good Morning, Whatcha Up To The Day?

Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

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All the best to you Mups.. Having the use of just one hand must be awful.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Mups on October 05, 2024, 12:27:12 PMI indulged myself and had a lovely lie-in this morning,  feel much better for it too. 

It is sunny here, but with a cool breeze blowing.  Got some washing out and hope it dries as it gets dark so much earlier now.

I've hurt my arm somehow,  Doc thinks it might be a Rotater Cuff injury, so got to go for a scan and some physio. 
Of course, it has to be the right one,  the one I need most.  :rolleyes: 
It's difficult to get dressed/undressed,  especially my bra!    Also hard to wash my hair, lift the kettle, hoover, and anything else we use our hands for.  Have to sleep with arm resting along  a cushion to ease it.   

Oh well,  enough moaning,  I'm going to have my Chicken & Mushroom pastie for lunch now - if I can cut rhe darn thing up!
How are things today Mups? 


Quote from: Mups on October 05, 2024, 10:01:13 PMWas yours a rotator cuff injury? 
Three Dupuytrens ops. It goes in a plaster splint for the first week.

This was the first...

and this was a joke my wife dreamed up for our grand daughters. It went...

Well they couldn't save the finger but they did let him keep it...


Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Thanks for the good wishes, Scrumps. 

Klondike,  love that bandage with the little eyes on it, and the gruesome pickled finger.  :smiley:

I had to look up what that operation was you had, as I've never heard of it.  I hope you are all mended now.
It's not the same problem as mine though,  mine is my arm more than my hand.  It hurts  right from the  collar bone down to my wrist,  but the bicep is particularly painful, and suddenly gives out if I am holding anything. 
Have to be really careful about holding the kettle, and its a work of art trying to get my tea shirt on and off as its painful lifting that arm.
It keeps waking me up at night as I move about in bed, or roll over and lay on it, too.
I was going to bath the dogs but don't think I can manage it today.

Ah well,  apart from that, its grey and cloudy here, and quite chilly too.   Got jobs to do outside but perhaps wait till its a big brighter.   I could get some bulbs in pots planted up I suppose,  I can do that in the shed -  if I can manage the compost!  :rolleyes:


Poor you Mups, do hope it improves soon, sounds like you should be resting it? XX


Quote from: Mups on October 05, 2024, 12:27:12 PMI indulged myself and had a lovely lie-in this morning,  feel much better for it too. 

It is sunny here, but with a cool breeze blowing.  Got some washing out and hope it dries as it gets dark so much earlier now.

I've hurt my arm somehow,  Doc thinks it might be a Rotater Cuff injury, so got to go for a scan and some physio.   
Of course, it has to be the right one,  the one I need most.  :rolleyes:   
It's difficult to get dressed/undressed,  especially my bra!    Also hard to wash my hair, lift the kettle, hoover, and anything else we use our hands for.   Have to sleep with arm resting along  a cushion to ease it.   

Oh well,  enough moaning,  I'm going to have my Chicken & Mushroom pastie for lunch now - if I can cut rhe darn thing up!

Mups, I had a 'rotator cuff' inflammation myself a few years back. It's usually created by a strain, like over reaching for example. As I only have the use of one arm it was a right misery. I paid for private physio, which did help, but I wouldn't bother again, apart from the remedy the masseuse gave me, which I repeat here. I found a heat lamp and then Ibrufen based creams like 'Deep Relief' and 'Voltarol' helped most. I applied mine three times a day, rotating the two brands evenly. Above all try to rest it and regeneration replaces the conflgration on what is really a pulled muscle.

Annoying and painful, but normally a passing thing.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Cassandra,  thanks for that information, and I am glad you managed to get yours better.
A friend of mine still has trouble with hers after 3 yrs!

My GP reckons with rotator cuff injuries,  the muscle is often torn, and surgery is needed.
It can either be completely torn away from the bone,  or else a partial tear apparently.  That's why he has ordered the scan to be done.

I hope it is not that bad though, as I really do not want to go into hospital,  (I'd worry about my dogs),  
so let's hope it is more of a pulled muscle as you suggested. 
Thanks again. 


Morning all on this bright but cool morning.

Nothing in particular planned,  other than the usual chores and a trip to the co-op for a few bits.
Then I'd like to start planting some Amaryllis in pots for Christmas.

Hope you all have a good day. 

October 07, 2024, 09:06:44 AM
Quote from: muddy on October 06, 2024, 09:24:56 AMHow are things today Mups?

Sorry Muddy,  only just seen your enquiry.    I'm managing thanks.  It's not good, but it could be a lot worse, so I'm thankful.  Thanks for asking.

Michael Rolls

broke my right arm years ago. Dressing was a pain, but worst was trying to butter toast!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I had a trapped nerve in my back .. dressing was agony..
I asked Sam to unfasten my bra.. What a palava... Sam had forgotten all the skills from his youth..

The same nerve sometimes plays up.. misery..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on October 08, 2024, 01:43:15 PMSam had forgotten all the skills from his youth..
Different angle and different motivation


Another wet and miserable day here,  and it's supposed to be getting colder from tomorrow too.
It's coming over black as thunder as I write.

My dodgy arm let me have a bit more sleep last night,  so that was good.  It was interesting trying to wash my hair today though.   Supposed to see the Physio tomorrow afternoon.

My tummy is telling me its getting towards tea time,  so think I will go get that beef casserole warmed up.  :smiley:


Yes getting towards casserole season now. 


Quote from: klondike on October 09, 2024, 05:01:13 PMYes getting towards casserole season now.

Yes,  I like my casseroles in the winter.
I've already got a batch of Chicken ones and some Beef ones, plus a batch of Spag. Bol. in the freezer.   :smiley: