Nasty smell..

Started by Scrumpy, May 13, 2022, 01:13:29 PM

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How repulsive the smell of what a fox deposits in the garden..
I know, because today I trod in it..  I took the dollop that was on my shoe into the porch and beyond..
I am now going on the internet to find something to deter foxes..
Unless anyone on here knows the answer...
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I believe that dogs like to roll in it!


I;d love a fox in my garden. Package him up and send him :)
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 13, 2022, 01:13:29 PM

How repulsive the smell of what a fox deposits in the garden..
I know, because today I trod in it..  I took the dollop that was on my shoe into the porch and beyond..
I am now going on the internet to find something to deter foxes..
Unless anyone on here knows the answer...

First, stop throwing cooked chicken carcasses out on the blasted lawn as a treat. (Just a guess.. :rolleyes: )


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 13, 2022, 01:13:29 PM
How repulsive the smell of what a fox deposits in the garden..
I know, because today I trod in it..
You won't really know just how bad until you've gone over a pile with a petrol mower...

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: -Oy- on May 13, 2022, 02:00:43 PM
I;d love a fox in my garden. Package him up and send him :)

I have a handsome fox who sits at the front entrance ..
He looks up and down the road and eyes up the school opposite...
He then strolls down the road wondering which garden to visit next..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Have you had the fine fellow howling outside your bedroom window about 2:00am January (iirc) mornings?

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Yep..!!  I think he is in love.... With me..  :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I recall them from the days I lived in a village. Not sure if it was the same one who mined the lawn who serenaded me throughout those winter nights. Mind you if I'd kept the rather huge lawn (not huge enough for a sit on though) as well mown as Mike seems to I either wouldn't have got the IED or would have seen it.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Michael Rolls

oddly enough, seen very few foxes around here. As a measure of numbers, when I lived in Surbiton I drove down the A3 to Guildford. Every week you could reckon to see several dead foxes in the road, whereas in the 18 years since we moved here I doubt that I have seen half a dozed fox corpses. To be fair, I only drive about 8,000 miles a year now, compared to around 20,000 down south, but even so, the discrepancy is considerable. Again, in Surbiton - lived in a heavily built up suburban area, it was nothing unusual to see a fox walking down the middle of our road in the small hours. Never seen a live fox up here
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
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Michael Rolls

oh, and that's despite the chicken farm next door. A few years ago, William, the farmer, did have evidence of a fox sniffing around, but the chickens - 9,000 of them - are shut in at night and I don't think that he has ever lost any to a fox in the ten or twelve years since he started the farm
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]