' The big 50'!!

Started by Scrumpy, April 17, 2022, 11:36:51 AM

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A woman on the radio is talking about celebrating her birthday..
She said that she felt a bit (down) knowing she had reached the BIG 50.. !!
Poor thing.... !!
I don't even think we mentioned that a birthday .. as the BIG 40.. 50..

What were you doing for your fiftieth ..!!  I was building a house..!
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

I was four months married to Veronica - best thing I ever did
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I was feeling a tad old at 50. I was contracting at a place that  employed a lot of youngsters. I showed a sweet young thing how to read a core dump to debug what had gone wrong with her program. She asked me how I knew "all that stuff". I realised but didn't tell her it was because I'd been doing it for a living before she was born.  :sad:

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Still working Part Time, AND Still teaching Line Dance, 8 Classes a week and driving to the Live Music Dances at the W/E, with a few Line Dance Pals. :yahoo: A hectic and busy time in my life, as I was trying to keep busy, take my mind off my troubles of going through a nasty divorce. :nooo:


I was working full time and arrived at work to see 'Happy 50th Alex' signs everywhere.  I really didn't want anyone to know I'd hit 50  :cool:   60 wasn't so bad, it was just ' something' about being 50 I hated.


Better than being 60 when my family put 'Happy Birthday ' signs up around the area.. Even at the local traffic lights..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


My fiftieth didn't bother me, my daughter's on the other hand.... 😯.  Having children in their fifties makes me feel old. 😂
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 17, 2022, 03:16:11 PM

Better than being 60 when my family put 'Happy Birthday ' signs up around the area.. Even at the local traffic lights..

:grin:  Poor chuck.. I can only imagine you're reaction. Not as if you can even slap somebody for it... :grin:
I don't really notice birthdays.


Quote from: GrannyMac on April 17, 2022, 08:31:09 PM
My fiftieth didn't bother me, my daughter's on the other hand.... 😯.  Having children in their fifties makes me feel old. 😂
this was my thoughts also Granny.... my son is 57.... now his 50th was a big birthday...FOR ME..


crabbyob, my son and daughter in law were discussing their retirement recently.    Pensioner children!!   :grin:
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖

Michael Rolls

frightening. Niall was 50 in January - I was only 49 when Veronica and I married
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]