bt to phaze out land lines ,?

Started by alfred, March 28, 2022, 09:04:27 AM

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For many people who use land lines to which the humble  household phone for many people being their only life line, as many elderly people most likely do not have or use a computer and nor being able like many of us to order or buy on line,

so where many people use their mobiles instead, i wonder i assume that fibre optics will replace many copper wires that go into a house to be replaced by glass fibre land line cables instead.

or can lap tops, desk top computers work with out a land line cable as technology is leaping forwards at a bound, and so routers most likely will pick up the internet without cables.

Q; does any one know if this is possible if so it could explain how b.t  will over comes this problem , but not for other people who use a phone but not a mobile,

as usual your thoughts will make interesting reading,


I haven't checked but I think they will be replacing the copper with fibre which is more reliable and of zero value to wire thieves (note I didn't use the P word). The fibre can carry VOIP telephone independent of any internet service.

I have full fibre broadband which came with such a service. Mine has a small box that terminates the fibre (an ONT) and a router plugs into that in the same way it would into a copper fed telephone wall connector. The ONT does require power so placement near a mains wall socket may be an issue. My ONT has no phone connector as that is on the router but I see no reason why one couldn't also have the circuitry for phone and I imagine will for landline only premises.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Can't really see how they could phase out land-lines without badly disadvantaging a few folk who don't want a blasted mobile phone! :spit:

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Perhaps they'd try to phase out residential lines, but business lines will still be needed, but I can't see it happening myself.  :no:

Michael Rolls

They are, according to letters in the press, already doing it.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I hadn't read about that Michael, is the majority of BT owned by a French company ? 

Michael Rolls

A share but not a majority - from Wiki

'In June 2021, the French telecommunications company, Altice acquired a 12% stake in BT,[91] increasing that stake to 18% in December 2021.'
The ownership seems a right jungle with Germany's Deutsche Telekom also owning some - least, I think they still do - it'd a bit of a nightmare to try and follow (deliberately?)
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


18% also owned by a French/Israeli billionaire Drahi .


so our communications our rail our power and our heating is all foreign owned
do we actually govern ourselves?


It's all that "inward investment" the government reports as a positive.

In fact it is needed to balance out continuous balance of trade deficit. We buy Chinese tat and sell off the crown jewels every year. An inheritance from Saint Margret of Finchley destroying our manufacturing industries and turning us into a nation of burger flippers.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


steady mate, youll find yourself on the colony with me....


Like I said before....

Gotta find me first

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?