
Started by klondike, December 20, 2021, 10:02:46 PM

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I've got sick of sites asking if they can send me notifications. I don't want them thanks. I use Brave now which takes chrome extensions and found one that claims to block them. The fact that an extension can proves that the browser could so why isn't it a standard option?

Same for those damned cookie popups foisted on us by the EU. Do I care abour cookies? No. Since all this cookie nonsense came about advertisers found alternative ways to track folks. If you want privacy don't use the internet.

All those free sites like google this that and the other and facebook only have one product and that product is you. Live with it.


'Live with it'  - are you in a bad mood tonight ?    :waiting:


I think it was rembering the EU cookie law that brassed me off. I had one site left that was still making a little money but not enough to justify putting in the effort to comply with that pointless BS so rather than do so I closed it down. I did keep the domain though - it's the one I'm using for this site as a subdomain ( that's the pensioners bit instead of www ) along with several others that I use for personal projects.