Brilliant new prison idea!

Started by JBR, December 27, 2024, 12:06:03 PM

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Quote from: Mups on December 28, 2024, 12:50:39 PMOur local Co-op was raided last week.  Broken glass everywhere outside where they smashed the window.
It was the alarms going off that alerted neighbours,  but this was in the early hours of the morning when the shop was closed, so at least no one was injured.

Alarms going off make little difference.. Nobody ,in their right mind, would check out an alarm going off..
It is too dangerous out there.. These people have little regard for anyone , of any age.. including the police..  Highly unlikely that the police would bother to rush to the call of a shop alarm going off.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: JBR on December 28, 2024, 12:10:30 PMSo why do people choose not to have more children?
It used to be possible to bring up a family with just one parent working. Now the only way is for either both to be working or more frequently neither.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Heard just now on David Bull's Show (TalkTV), that some dreadful woman in 'Starmer's Stasi' regime announced that; "If Stations like GB News and TalkTV continued to insult Keir Starmer as they do, then legislative change must be considered.

Unbelievable, the first steps towards North Korea? You may think this an exaggeration on my behalf, but tyranny comes in small slices, culminating inevitably total control. Meanwhile James O'Brien on LBC Radio continues to speak unbridled hatred towards Nigel Farge, as he has done these past 20 years - untouched by 'Ofcom'.

Labour can't seem to recognise that people didn't really vote for them, they voted (or didn't) to get rid of a wet, liberal regime masquerading as Conservatives. Now drunk with  misguided opinion that their views are popular within their own right, they swagger in delision, believing they are indestructable.

Starmer and his crew of zealot misfits have truly stunned me since election, with his withering determination to conceal the truth and practice deliberate distortion to do so.  He's a disgrace to his qualifications as an 'officer of the court' ...
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Cassandra on December 29, 2024, 03:20:15 PMHeard just now on David Bull's Show (TalkTV), that some dreadful woman in 'Starmer's Stasi' regime announced that; "If Stations like GB News and TalkTV continued to insult Keir Starmer as they do, then legislative change must be considered.

Legislative change?  Bluster, perhaps, but as Labour have a majority in the Commons and, I believe, also in the Lords.  Passing a motion like this could even be possible.

People and TV programmes have always criticised the sitting government.  It is permitted under 'freedom of speech' and always have been in my experience.  Nevertheless, 2TK and his government have already tried to prevent unwelcome comments with their 'hurty words' accusations and 'non-crime hate incidents'.

Even more worrying is that I have heard comments about a muslim judge being rather 'preferential' to criminals of his own religion with regard to sentencing.
Numquam credere Gallicum


They already have 85 'Shariah Law' courts in the UK, but no prisons to go with them (at the moment). They are not permitted (presently) to chop off arms, legs and other attachments. Also (presently) bury women (who are adulterers) up to their necks in the ground and then stone them to death. But hey-ho by dumping Labour they will gain many seats for the new 'Party of Islam'. They already have 5 incumbents at Westminster (including Corbyn, as many as 'Reform') and as time diminishes the native race - they will rule. There are 25 constituencies in Bradford alone and as Muslims tend to settle and expand in tight knit areas, their progress exponentially is but a given thing. Within 30 years the UK will become a Muslim Country.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Cassandra on December 29, 2024, 07:06:32 PMThey already have 85 'Shariah Law' courts in the UK, but no prisons to go with them (at the moment). They are not permitted (presently) to chop off arms, legs and other attachments. Also (presently) bury women (who are adulterers) up to their necks in the ground and then stone them to death. But hey-ho by dumping Labour they will gain many seats for the new 'Party of Islam'. They already have 5 incumbents at Westminster (including Corbyn, as many as 'Reform') and as time diminishes the native race - they will rule. There are 25 constituencies in Bradford alone and as Muslims tend to settle and expand in tight knit areas, their progress exponentially is but a given thing. Within 30 years the UK will become a Muslim Country.
Actually, I assumed that many, if not most muslims vote for Labour, though that is no doubt a temporary arrangement!
I had no idea that Compo was a muslim MP!
Yes, fortunately both I and possibly Marge (though she is a young 63) are likely to have joined the Choir Invisible in 30 years' time.
Numquam credere Gallicum


My son and his children will be here .
Two of my grandchildren are girls .
They don't deserve this .


Quote from: muddy on December 30, 2024, 07:24:08 AMMy son and his children will be here .
Two of my grandchildren are girls .
They don't deserve this .
Indeed.  The ones I feel sorry for are the young British who will have to live through the absolute mess which is inevitable.
Emigration is the only real answer.
Well, I suppose suicide is another option if you're desperate!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Just noticed " Gallico numquam credidit"  

:grin: :grin: :grin:

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


I wish I had stayed in Australia... Shoulda Woulda  Coulda..

Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Klondy - feel free to get that to work properly and explain how it's done, for future reference.


The mod only supports some sources and it looks like that isn't one of them.

The site does allow downloading though and that one is small enough to upload back here as an attachment. Bigger ones could be added to Youtube so long as it doesn't spot the copyright infringement

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Ok.  Ta for looking into it though.


I fiddled about with it after my first reply. Initially I was going to see if it was on YouTube then spotted the download option.

If the forum was set to allow html the embed would have worked but that is too dangerous to allow the public to do. I recall an amusing afternoon sabotaging a new government forum in the distant past. Huge fun.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Quote from: klondike on December 30, 2024, 11:31:41 AMJust noticed " Gallico numquam credidit" 

:grin: :grin: :grin:
Yes, and we stupidly pay them millions to do the dirty on us.
Numquam credere Gallicum