What would you do?

Started by Mups, September 02, 2024, 05:58:35 PM

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Have you ever heard anything so daft?

I have had an ear ache for about 3 weeks now, but I have just kept hydrated and been taking Paracetamol.
Over the weekend it has got worse, and is making one side of my neck ache, and affecting my hearing on that side.    

After trying to ring the doctor today, and being told by a gremlin I was 29th in the queue,  I eventually gave up.
This afternoon I called in my local pharmacy and asked if the pharmacist is allowed to prescribe anti-biotics, and the lady behind the counter said Yes,  and to take a seat and the pharmacist would see me.

He is a nice man, and took me into his little consulting room.   He said I needed anti-biotics but he couldn't give them to me  . . . .  wait for it . . . .  "because he is only allowed to prescribe to children and people up to 17 yrs old!!

Why?   Who the hell makes these stupid rules,  and what on earth is the point of that one?

He told me to go to the GP surgery next door, and tell them he sent me.  He even scribbled a note for me to hand them.
So off I go to the GP reception,  gave them the Pharmacist's note,  and was told to ring at 8 a.m. tomorrow.   So I am back to square one.

They are lucky I am a placid person.    I can see why these people sometimes get sworn at by the public.
I was seriously pee'd off.

What's really worrying me now is,  I have a big day happening this coming Saturday.   My only son is getting married,  so I really, really don't want to be poorly for Saturday.   I need to get that medication quickly now, and I am worried I won't be able to get through to them again in the morning.  :hmm:


That sounds painful, and of course you want to feel better for Saturday.  🤞🏼 you can get some help.

Don't you have a Walk in centre?  When I couldn't get an appointment but knew I needed antibiotics, I went to our Walk in centre.  Living in a large city has some advantages! I saw an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ACP)  who prescribed what I needed.   On another occasion, I rang 111 and the on call Doc rang me back, and after a discussion sent a prescription, online, to the nearest chemist. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Mups, we know that as soon as you get the prescription and take it, Adrenalin will kick into play alongside the placebo effect, quite apart from the penicillin.

This time on Weds, you'll be totally chipper my friend.


Why did you ignore it for so long ?
Antibiotics work wonders..
No alcohol for you on Saturday.. 
What colour is your hat. ?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: GrannyMac on September 02, 2024, 06:40:39 PMThat sounds painful, and of course you want to feel better for Saturday.  🤞🏼 you can get some help.

Don't you have a Walk in centre?  When I couldn't get an appointment but knew I needed antibiotics, I went to our Walk in centre.  Living in a large city has some advantages! I saw an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ACP)  who prescribed what I needed.  On another occasion, I rang 111 and the on call Doc rang me back, and after a discussion sent a prescription, online, to the nearest chemist. 

Thanks GrannyMac.   We do have a walk-in centre but it is over 20 miles away and I haven't a clue how to get there.    I wish we had something more local.

I have now managed to get an appointment with the Nurse practitioner later this afternoon,  so we'll see how it goes from there.

September 03, 2024, 09:29:42 AM
Quote from: Scrumpy on September 02, 2024, 08:04:11 PMWhy did you ignore it for so long ?
Antibiotics work wonders..
No alcohol for you on Saturday..
What colour is your hat. ?
Hi Scrumps,  as I have just said to GrannyM,  I have managed to get an appointment this afternoon.

I didn't go sooner because I thought it was just one of these things that will disappear again in a few days,  so have just been taking some Paracetamol and drinking lots of water,  but it was really miserable yesterday so thought I'd best try and get a bit of help.

No,  I won't be boozing on Saturday,  haven't had a drink for ages.   I am really looking forward to seeing them wed now.   My son is mid 50's and has never been wed until now.   He's always liked the ladies, but  as soon as one tried to get him to commit,  he was off like a bat out of hell!

It is different now though.   He's gone all goo-ey and mushy and really loves her,  it's a joy to see and I'm so pleased for them.
She is a theatre nurse where they do the caesarians for new-borns. 

September 03, 2024, 09:31:02 AM
Quote from: dextrous63 on September 02, 2024, 07:11:53 PMMups, we know that as soon as you get the prescription and take it, Adrenalin will kick into play alongside the placebo effect, quite apart from the penicillin.

This time on Weds, you'll be totally chipper my friend.

Thanks Dex,   let's hope you're right. 


Finally got booked in with a nurse this afternoon, and it was a waste of time really.

Temperature normal, pulse normal, and could not see any inflammation in my throat or ear, so she would not let me have any antibiotics.   Just told me to go to the chemist and buy some ear drops,  and if it did not improve in a couple of days,  to go back again.

I just hope I am alright for Saturday . . .


You could try some garlic tablets/capsules Mups or even google how to get rid of the odour and prep garlic yourself.  Natural antibiotic.

Also head under towel over a bowl of hot water with Vicks in it.  I know it's usually for a cold, but anything that helps clear sinuses an eustachian  tube would help.


Mups try hot ( not too hot ) compresses to your neck and the side of your head with the ear ache .
Up the paracetamol or try ibupofen ( I know it's not for everyone but it's stronger than Paracetomol .
I hope you feel better by Saturday and can enjoy the day .


Quote from: dextrous63 on September 04, 2024, 07:48:40 AMYou could try some garlic tablets/capsules Mups or even google how to get rid of the odour and prep garlic yourself.  Natural antibiotic.

Also head under towel over a bowl of hot water with Vicks in it.  I know it's usually for a cold, but anything that helps clear sinuses an eustachian  tube would help.
Thanks Dex,  I used to use Garlic capsules many years ago but I don't want any pong of garlic on me on Saturday.
Also most nautral remedies can take a few weeks to kick in,  they are not instant like orthodox drugs.
Thanks anyway though.

September 04, 2024, 09:13:35 AM
Quote from: muddy on September 04, 2024, 08:04:16 AMMups try hot ( not too hot ) compresses to your neck and the side of your head with the ear ache .
Up the paracetamol or try ibupofen ( I know it's not for everyone but it's stronger than Paracetomol .
I hope you feel better by Saturday and can enjoy the day .

You are right about the warm compresses, Muddy.   I've been using one of those Wheat bags on my neck in the evenings when I sit down,  and a hot water bottle is very soothing on my ear too.   
Thank you. 


Quote from: Mups on September 03, 2024, 07:45:45 PMFinally got booked in with a nurse this afternoon, and it was a waste of time really.

Temperature normal, pulse normal, and could not see any inflammation in my throat or ear, so she would not let me have any antibiotics.  Just told me to go to the chemist and buy some ear drops,  and if it did not improve in a couple of days,  to go back again.

I just hope I am alright for Saturday . . .
Reminds me of a story. A doctor heard an unusual noise coming from his toilet cistern, so he called in a plumber. Plumber comes, looks at the cistern Hmmm. Ahhhh. Opens the lid, throws in two aspirins and says if it's still the same in the morning bring it to my office.


Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖
