Anneliese Dodds Labour Minister

Started by Alex, August 23, 2024, 10:17:19 AM

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Isn't she Ken Dodd's daughter? The hair and teeth look similar and the approach to tax payers is similar.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off



When I attended school our English teacher always told us how easy ruling a country like the UK is - two parties taking turns. In Germany we formerly  had 3 parties and now a lot of them and difficulties in forming a government speaking one common language as we say. 
As to the Sudan people there have a hard life, but as long as there are two groups fighting, I have my doubts whether any aid will reach those people needing it. 


The problem we seem to have had here for far too long is only a single party that for fun wear different colour rosettes and take it in turns to screw us over.


Quote from: muddy on August 23, 2024, 08:56:32 PMWhy is she doing this ?
There are a fair few countries sending humanitarian aid.  Doubt that it's anything to do with there being oil in dem dar hills.

Maybe it's also to stem potential emigration too🤷🏻�♂️


Quote from: klondike on August 23, 2024, 11:24:40 PMThe problem we seem to have had here for far too long is only a single party that for fun wear different colour rosettes and take it in turns to screw us over.
I agree with that. At least I used to until the present clown show took the stage. Is this motley crew really the best our long suffering voters could manage to elect?


Quote from: klondike on August 23, 2024, 11:24:40 PMThe problem we seem to have had here for far too long is only a single party that for fun wear different colour rosettes and take it in turns to screw us over.
Although this is true in some ways, I think that Labour is far more dangerous than the Tories.

Yes, the Tories have been in control for a long time and under several different leaders, but have done very little to help the country and the British people.

On the other hand, Labour have only just got into power yet have immediately started putting in place new rules which are actually damaging the country.  Too many to list individually, of course, but they all seem to act against the ordinary British people in one way or another.  Doubling the size of the Civil Service is only one thing which stands out, yet allowing them to 'work from home'.  Even worse is, immediately having taken power, they have decided to encourage even more illegal immigration, setting up a new 'border force' presumably to assist their arrival here.

In short, the Tories didn't really do anything; Labour are actually ruining the country.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: JBR on August 24, 2024, 11:45:12 AMDoubling the size of the Civil Service is only one thing which stands out, yet allowing them to 'work from home'.
You have this under Labour problems but that was the Tories. Of course Labour won't reverse it but they didn't start it.
The Tories had already ruined the country. It is why they suffered such a catastrophic defeat.


Quote from: klondike on August 24, 2024, 11:50:27 AMYou have this under Labour problems but that was the Tories. Of course Labour won't reverse it but they didn't start it.
The Tories had already ruined the country. It is why they suffered such a catastrophic defeat.
Yes, I agree.  They had ruined the country simply by doing nothing of any importance, and that was under five different PMs.
In fact the rot started soon after Maggie (our best PM since Churchill) was kicked out and then developed seriously when Bliar took control.
Numquam credere Gallicum


The Blair/Browb government was able to hide its profligacy with public funds quite well (PFI deals for instance) and had the get out of jail free card of the banking collapse to blame for the abysmal state of the public finances when they were defeated. Most of the younger voters will not have seen the results of a full on socialist or in this case close to Stalinist government which is why so many thought surely they can't be worse than the current set of tossers. They will soon realise that they can. Much worse.


Well, it's all going so very well.  We've managed to replace the infighting inept with the ideological incompetent.

Maybe, just maybe, after we've managed to pay the binmen, street cleaners and undertakers to clean up after a few years of this debacle, we'll finally get round to finding a group of people who actually reflect the majority view and are willing to act upon it for the public good.  Ie.."serve" the electorate.

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
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