Goodie Goodies

Started by Scrumpy, August 08, 2024, 09:52:01 AM

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I notice that all the Goodie Goodies are out protesting now..

'Welcome to our country.'  'We love everyone'
I looked at their faces .. Just a bunch of faces similar to those who protest  'Just Stop Oil'... Perhaps they alternate between the two.. !!
I bet very few of them would invite an asylum seeker into their homes to live..

Stupid people.. Similar to those who voted Labour and lost their heating allowance.. and gained  tax increases..

We deserve what we vote/protest for..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Some may disagree with me on here, but I don't have issues with legitimate asylum seekers, nor peoples who want to contribute positively to the UK without placing major demands on the host nation (especially when they are contrary to our culture), and are willing to assimilate at least part way.

I do have an issue with those who want to buck the system and make unreasonable demands, and who think "we" owe them something solely because they're using unintended unfortunate loopholes in international law.

It is these undesirables that are the problem, which is what is making people angry.   Those who are out and about citing a carte blanche "immigrants are welcome" seem to miss this point.  It is they themselves who are being racist by wanting to ride roughshod over the wishes of the vast majority of the UK population. 


"  Some may disagree with me on here, but I don't have issues with legitimate asylum seekers,  "  What - even when the figures are 700,000 in one year  ? :rolleyes:


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 08, 2024, 09:52:01 AMI notice that all the Goodie Goodies are out protesting now..

'Welcome to our country.'  'We love everyone'
I looked at their faces .. Just a bunch of faces similar to those who protest  'Just Stop Oil'... Perhaps they alternate between the two.. !!
I bet very few of them would invite an asylum seeker into their homes to live..

Stupid people.. Similar to those who voted Labour and lost their heating allowance.. and gained  tax increases..

We deserve what we vote/protest for..
Very well said.  I think you hit the nail on the head in relating the pro-illegal immigration protesters with the trendy JSO and other protesters.  The latter all seem to be largely young and apparently unemployed people who, because they don't have jobs to go to, find plenty of time to sit in roads or climb motorway structures and cause a lot of problems for those people who do go about trying to do their jobs.

If mass immigration does continue to increase, those people might well find themselves on the receiving end of the consequences.

As for legitimate asylum seekers, I can see advantages for us providing that those invited into the country bring with them skills which we need.
One caveat, though, is we hear that many of our own young people prefer not to work as they are able to receive benefits so easily.  The consequences are twofold: 

- I am not sure whether all of the many legal immigrants are of benefit to the country.  Do they all bring with them skills which we need, or do they relax and live on benefits?
- Our young people who can't be bothered to work could be encouraged to do so by stopping their benefits if they refuse job offers.  In that way, we wouldn't need to import so many workers.
Numquam credere Gallicum


We need a cap on legal immigration surely ? We can't keep taking hundreds of thousands every year, I'm not sure if that 700,000 figure included families or not.   


Quote from: Alex on August 08, 2024, 11:18:54 AM"  Some may disagree with me on here, but I don't have issues with legitimate asylum seekers,  "  What - even when the figures are 700,000 in one year  ? :rolleyes:
What year are you referring to?


I have nothing against people from other countries coming here (legally) in order to work.. I have , over the years, met many ..
What I strongly object to are those who arrive on our shores .. looking for a 'Freebie' and being treated with kid gloves by our stupid governments..
A government that doesn't look after its own people..

I also think that our lazy, work shy (residents) should not be in a position to claim every benefit going..  They seem to be experts at doing this and many live an easier life than that of our pensioners.. and our workers on low paid jobs..

It should be 'Get a job and we will look after you'.. not 'Sit on your arse  and we will pay you'
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Mixing up real asylum seekers with illegal economic migrants and allowed economic migrants going on here. There are at least 3 different categories and more if you split the allowed group into needed skills and cheap labour groupings with possibly more subdivisions.


If they arrive.. through the right channels.. with legal passports that is fine..
Those coming over in small boats and in the back of a lorry with no legal documents should be turned away
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on August 08, 2024, 12:13:31 PMIf they arrive.. through the right channels.. with legal passports that is fine..
Those coming over in small boats and in the back of a lorry with no legal documents should be turned away
Exactly.  They have given a clear initial statement of their intentions.


Conservative Manifesto 2015 (p.29)

keep our ambition of delivering annual net migration in the tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousands.
Conservative Manifesto 2017 (p.54)

But with annual net migration standing at 273,000, immigration to Britain is still too high. It is our objective to reduce immigration to sustainable levels, by which we mean annual net migration in the tens of thousands.
Conservative Manifesto 2019 (p.20)

overall numbers will come down.
Net migration for calendar 2022 was 745,000.


If there were only 67,000 why were the Tories so intent on bringing migration down to tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousands  ?


Not everyone can be workshy surely .
There is unemployment in the north and this is the underlying reason why there are riots .
These men are are not happy .
There is nothing for them but hopelessness.
A man needs to work and earn a decent wage then he won't be out  rioting l


Some would. There seems to be an underculture of thugs and always has been.


What you say is quite interesting. However, I think you just miss one point. Before your elections there was a documentary on German TV about the UK and above all about the situation in Northern England. There seem to be a lot of young people who are jobless and getting income support. In Germany we have a similar problem - many young people - from German and migrant families - drop school. Often they come from families where the parents live on income support, i.e. they never were faced with the fact that you have to do something to earn your living. If they start an apprenticeship, they often drop it, too, or there's a big lack in arithmetic and writing. 
As to our refugees and immigrants - there's a lot of bureaucracy here in Germany and many obstacles have to be overcome by them. Some days ago I read in our paper that a lot of doctors from Ukrainia are here in Germany, but so far only a few are allowed to work as doctors. 
Bakers, plumbers etc. are looking for apprentices and if they train one successfully it's not sure that the apprentice may stay in Germany and work, often he is told to leave Germany.
That's the reverse of the coin as we say. 
Many refugees, immigrants whether legal or illegal are keen on working, but they aren't allowed to - at least here in Germany.
What we need - in my opinion - is to improve our educational system so that everyone is able to find a job. 
In former times there were many jobs where you didn't need any training, but times have changed. 


And not really for the better .
People need endless qualifications for jobs that previously didn't need them .