Gosh who would have thought...

Started by klondike, July 17, 2024, 08:45:00 AM

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Labour Government Postpones Major Plans to Cut Mass Migration

The new left-wing Labour Party government in Britain will reportedly postpone its central plans to cut the influx of foreign workers despite mass migration driving the largest population rise on record.

"Read my lips — I will bring immigration numbers down," Sir Keir Starmer promised the public prior to his party's sweeping election victory.

However, the new prime minister's two major electoral manifesto initiatives to drive down foreign worker numbers will not appear in this week's King's Speech, the annual tradition in which the Monarch reads out a list of policies the democratically-elected government will pursue.

The left-wing party had said that it would seek to cut migration by cracking down on employers, including measures to prevent them from hiring workers from other countries if they failed to uphold standards for British workers first, such as paying the minimum wage.

Labour had also said that it would place limits on companies hiring from abroad if they refused to train and recruit native workers first.

Both initiatives have been postponed until at least next year, The Telegraph reports. The government will allegedly carry out consultations before putting together legislation.

A government source claimed: "All that work will happen. There will be guidance, consultation and business engagement, but it is a longer lead time to develop legislation that has the desired effect."

Full story : https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/07/16/labour-government-postpones-major-plans-to-cut-mass-migration/


True colours coming out as I knew they would.  :sad:


Ireland will be relieved.  No doubt all of those who panicked from the prospect of Rwanda will be making their way back across to Holyhead soon.


For God's sake please don't tell me any single one of you is surprised.

The only parts of their manifesto that they'll implement will be hammering private pension retirees etc.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


There's talk of raiding inheritance tax.  Lovely.


Just been listening to the news.  It appears that Starmer will begin to get perhaps some of his promises off the ground, but then the good old Civil Service and their allies in the Lords will play their part and object to them and demand re-writes.  Before any are actually implemented, it will be another five years and a new government will take over!

That's how the unelected Civil Service and the Lords actually run the country.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Why are our politicians so inept at sorting things out?



It just beggars belief.  They must know that Farage's surge in popularity was largely due to immigration issues, and that the Tories got a right old slating for the same issue.  So, what's the first thing they put on the back burner...Immigration.

July 17, 2024, 07:09:25 PM
As an aside, and not worthy of a new thread but very funny..... apparently Liz Truss was berating the Labour Party's King's speech on X.  Someone replied to her, suggesting she writes to her MP about it  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


:grin: :grin: :grin: excellent

July 17, 2024, 07:46:17 PM
Something else for the long grass was votes at 16.

Unrelated obviously but I've heard Farage say several times how popular he seems to be with da yoof. Plus much of the swing to the right in the EU seems to be from the young.


Quote from: dextrous63 on July 17, 2024, 06:59:08 PMIt just beggars belief.  They must know that Farage's surge in popularity was largely due to immigration issues, and that the Tories got a right old slating for the same issue.  So, what's the first thing they put on the back burner...Immigration.

I thought it was a well-known fact that Labour want as many illegal immigrants to come here.  In encouraging them to come, they hope that if they give them citizenship they'll have their votes for life.

That is all those politicians think of: how to keep my seat, and the money rolling in.  I'm sure they don't really give a toss about us British people.
Numquam credere Gallicum

Michael Rolls

surprise, surprise, surprise  :downvote:  :downvote:  :downvote:
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Delightfully some of Labour's proposals are legislation that is not forwarded to Parliament as future Statute Law. Which means particularly in their ideological reach to ban for example, 'zero hours' contracts etc. These considerations will be open for challenge by the courts until such propositions either fail or are amended under tertiary legislation to join such decrees to the register. Therefore if 'zero hours' contracts are wanted by some then all they have to do is challenge the 'ruling' by gov't in the courts. Such as 'Deliveroo' and 'McDonalds' etc, will have already started the process in anticipation. That is why you will often here in the UK of 'ping ponging' twixt Commons and Lords before being passed for entry to statute. Hopefully so much of this unrealistic green socialist mulch from the likes of the idiot Miliband for example will get tied down in the bog of legalities that were designed to delay. Much of it down to the despised Blair's days.

Thus 'the whirly gig of time' brings in his revenges!

My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


" green socialist mulch  "    I'm going to nick that one Cass !  :cool:  :cool:


"foreign workers" was doing some heavy lifting in the original post.