A Grand Day Out

Started by GrannyMac, Yesterday at 05:22:33 PM

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Sir Kier got less than a warm welcome from some racegoers at the St Leger meeting in Doncaster yesterday!  Labour heartlands would have applauded a Labour PM in the old days.   I don't think people were shouting 'winner' at him!

My daughter and son in law were there, and spotted him. 

Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Well done Doncaster  !  I don't think he realises how much he is disliked by everyone, Tory and Labour.


Dominic West in the Nationwide ad who remarks
' They have spelt Banker wrong'
He is told.
' That word is not Banker'

I always smile at this ad..
I wonder if Starmer only hears what HE thinks is being said.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


others in the party don't. the tories are the ones famous for long knives but i think we may well see him losing the top job sooner rather than later. 

it may just be confirmation bias and youtube offering stuff similar to what i've watched but there do seem to be rather a lot of clips of him being criticised.


He is very thick skinned..
He always looks bewildered to me.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 07:30:42 PMHe always looks bewildered to me.
Yes. He does doesn't he.


Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 07:30:42 PMHe is very thick skinned..
He always looks bewildered to me.

It's always been that innocent, lost schoolboy look that puts me off the bloke.


Quote from: Alex on Yesterday at 06:16:03 PMWell done Doncaster  !  I don't think he realises how much he is disliked by everyone, Tory and Labour.
And especially Reformers!

Yesterday at 08:48:29 PM
Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 07:30:42 PMHe is very thick skinned..
He always looks bewildered to me.
He looks tenpence to t'shilling to me.
Numquam credere Gallicum


That'll probably be the tax rate in five years time  :sad:


Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 07:30:42 PMHe is very thick skinned..
He always looks bewildered to me.
I would have said his was the look of a person trying to cover something up.


He is not as daft as he looks though.. It's all an act.. 
As a Barrister he .. along with 2 other barristers.. represented 5 Asylum Seekers.. 
Something to do with benefits.. It was in 2003.. Labour were in Government..
 They won their case..

He has always been an Asylum Seeker fan.. and you can bet that the taxpayer paid the cost of those THREE Barristers.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Not a fan of any dissent though is he? The problem is we all tend to live in echo chambers. I know he is a long way from popular here but what is his standing in the real world? Will the party ditch him? Would that make any difference to the rather nasty stuff forecast to be in the pipeline?

Whatever the answers we've got this lot for a long time to come. Will they destroy any prospect of future electoral success or will they make some things start working? They are talking of NHS reform. The trouble with that is the word talking. Most things seem to appear out of the blue.


Does anyone know what his father did for a living?😬


Quote from: Scrumpy on Today at 09:40:31 AMHe is not as daft as he looks though.. It's all an act..
As a Barrister he .. along with 2 other barristers.. represented 5 Asylum Seekers..
Something to do with benefits.. It was in 2003.. Labour were in Government..
 They won their case..

He has always been an Asylum Seeker fan.. and you can bet that the taxpayer paid the cost of those THREE Barristers..
I'm sure that his present intentions regarding illegal immigrants today would completely attest to that.
More interested in importing future Labour voters than anything concerning the future of this country.

Today at 11:08:10 AM
Quote from: dextrous63 on Today at 10:36:55 AMDoes anyone know what his father did for a living?😬
Whatever it was, he was highly successful.
Numquam credere Gallicum