TM Eye

Started by JBR, June 02, 2024, 02:19:33 PM

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TM Eye is a private police force:

I have just been watching Farage on 7 May (yes I know I'm a little behind!) and heard about a situation in which a prolific thief has been reported to the (useless) Metropolitan Police, along with all evidence needed to prosecute.
Yes, the Met. despite being presented with clear video evidence of the burglary, decided not to bother prosecuting this thief.
Consequently, the outlet, M&S, which had recently been subject to this thief, who having already had 105 previous convictions, decided to take the matter into its own hands and asked TM Eye, a 'private police force' to prosecute him, which they did successfully.

My question is, in the light of the Met. failing to do its job on many occasions, including tolerating racist protesters, should we have more private police forces?  In fact, should the Met and especially its current leaders be closed down as being completely useless, and be replaced by a new police force which is willing and able to deal with what are becoming really quite prevalent crimes today?
Numquam credere Gallicum


Why would you expect the police service to work? No public service of any sort works. Private medicine works so maybe private policing would but I can't honestly say I'm in favour. 

What is needed is a shakeup of the lot with failing individuals of all public services given their marching orders. In the private sector if you screwup there is a price of some kind to be paid. In public services the useless get promoted. At least I assume they must judging by results.


Police have changed so much since I was growing up. They used to think nothing of giving you a swift kick up the backside if they caught you up to no good. These days they are more likely to pretend they didn't see anything. Except motorists of course, they love to hassle them.


Motorists are soft targets and an easy one too. No boring interviews, evidence collecting or lawyers most of the time just a you were speeding or whatever and here is a ticket.


Quote from: Raven on June 02, 2024, 03:03:30 PMThese days they are more likely to pretend they didn't see anything. Except motorists of course, they love to hassle them.

' Except the motorist of course, they love to hassle them'

Of course they do.. Checking motorists means they ( the police) are usually sitting on their arses..
They love a car chase because they can show off their driving skills..
Anything that involves a bit of leg work is too much for them..

Break-ins and robberies means paper work and that's a 'No No'..  Because, as we so often hear , prevents them being 'Out there' ... Heaven knows what they mean by 'Out there'.. It certainly isn't around here..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on June 02, 2024, 04:51:19 PM' Except the motorist of course, they love to hassle them'

Of course they do.. Checking motorists means they ( the police) are usually sitting on their arses..
They love a car chase because they can show off their driving skills..
Anything that involves a bit of leg work is too much for them..

Break-ins and robberies means paper work and that's a 'No No'..  Because, as we so often hear , prevents them being 'Out there' ... Heaven knows what they mean by 'Out there'.. It certainly isn't around here..

They have been accused of being lazy.  I have heard that said several times by different people on the telly.

There is also the other factor, brought about by Treason May, when she sacked half of the police which appears to have been the most experienced ones.  Why?  I have no idea why she did that, but it could have been a move to save money (and just ignore the career criminals).

On the other hand, I can understand the police losing interest when it seems that most prisons are too full to accept any more sentences of incarceration.  Again, government weakness.
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