transcript costs

Started by Michael Rolls, October 24, 2023, 11:32:24 AM

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Michael Rolls

A women asked her solicitors for a transcript of her trial, in which her abuser was found guilty. She was quoted £7,500. How can that be justified? It's there in the court records, all that was needed was for a lowly paid typist to transcribed it - if indeed it hadn't already been been.  My solicited charges £250 an hour and worth every penny. Not for a moment would she undertake such a task - a typist would do it. Don't know what they pay their typists, but I am sure that it isn't even within spitting distance of £250 an hour! Even if Alison had done her own typing - she wouldn't have even more that I would have had) that's 30 hours. Even if her typist got a tenth of Alison's salary - which I doubt, which would put her on £48,000 a year, something to which very few typists can aspire it would om=nly take her 300 hours.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


That sounds nuts to me, unless it's a mighty long case.

She can apply directly and leave her solicitor out of it.  Details of application form and costs ....


I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure all cases have to be transcribed and as trials are normally public unless the judge decrees otherwise the transcript must form part of the public record. I'm guessing that is why they can be ordered.

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