TV Adverts

Started by Alex, January 26, 2022, 08:58:10 PM

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Someone on Twutter has taken the trouble, after moaning about all the non-white adverts nowadays, to put together a kind of collage of some of the adverts currently showing on our screens.


I would say that's quite shocking. Except it isn't and I don't even watch TV now. The trend isn't all that new as I remember that when I did have a TV licence. Mind you most of them only very briefly during fast forward  :smiley:

It's odd that it seems to be mostly, possibly only, white women and black men. Perhaps they have a little something white men don't  :?:

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


It's brainwashing us to accept all these immigrants, I am so sick of it I use words I would never have dreamed to use a few years ago, it's certainly not working on me.  We are still a predominantly white country, so why does every other person on advert have to be black or a mixed race couple?  I certainly would not buy anything these people are advertising :angry:.


We won't be here, but our grandkids will be in the white minority in 20 years time.   I can't think of another reason the Government is allowing this mass invasion, if it isn't to change the demographic make up of the UK.    :hmm: 

Ten years ago in 2011 London had the smallest percentage of White British people, at 44.9% I have no idea what that figure is today, or more importantly what it'll be in another ten years time.  It's quite sad really.


The part of the demographic they want to change is the age demographic. We don't, in general, breed enough so the average age of the population increases and there are less working supporting the pensioners.

The problem was caused by introducing a pension scheme paid for by those currently working rather than by building a personal pot. Your NI payments were used to pay the pensioners at the time you were working rather than as an investment for you own. And so it continues.

Not that most of the imports are likely to be anything but a drain on the national purse from what I can see. Infant schools must spenda fortune teaching youngsters to speak English.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Quote from: klondike on January 27, 2022, 12:17:16 AM
The part of the demographic they want to change is the age demographic. We don't, in general, breed enough so the average age of the population increases and there are less working supporting the pensioners.

The problem was caused by introducing a pension scheme paid for by those currently working rather than by building a personal pot. Your NI payments were used to pay the pensioners at the time you were working rather than as an investment for you own. And so it continues.

Not that most of the imports are likely to be anything but a drain on the national purse from what I can see. Infant schools must spenda fortune teaching youngsters to speak English.

Some eastern European countries are encoraging people to have more children by financial incentives, over three children and you get perks.  Over here we just import the dross of the world who give rabbits a run for their money.  All these young men off dinghies will soon find stupid girls and start to breed, many future Jehadists?.  Surely it should be quality over quantity.

Another thought, in years to come when this lot need pensions, how many extra people will need to be imported to pay for theirs? and the next generation and the next, standing room only?

This is Hitler in reverse, he wanted to get rid of anyone not arian, our lot want to get rid of anyone arian and replace us with blacks and foreigners.


If I met a man who I was happy to be with.. who made me laugh .. Wasn't a piss head or a womanizer then bring it on.. I care not what colour his skin ..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on January 27, 2022, 10:36:41 AM
If I met a man who I was happy to be with.. who made me laugh .. Wasn't a piss head or a womanizer then bring it on.. I care not what colour his skin ..

But to me its not just skin colour its the whole heritage thing, we have our roots in Britain going back via wars and hardship, their roots are somewhere else entirely, Africa, middle east and they bring their culture and religions with them.

Michael Rolls

That's how I look at it
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me


as a prvious poster pointed out they have reversed their outlook from quallity, doctors, scientists and engineers to quantity, which would still be ok if the quallity remained a criteria, but it hasnt...


Quote from: Jacqueline on January 27, 2022, 10:43:30 AM
But to me its not just skin colour its the whole heritage thing, we have our roots in Britain going back via wars and hardship, their roots are somewhere else entirely, Africa, middle east and they bring their culture and religions with them.

My thoughts too.