Common sense?

Started by Michael Rolls, September 20, 2023, 05:53:53 AM

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Michael Rolls

So Sunak is now making noises that the prohibition on new ICE vehicles may be delayed beyond 2030. It should never have been a policy in the first place - total madness is the kindest description I can come up with.
So good news with common sense at last? Well, maybe - one problem is that having been told the punitive regime that they can expect, car manufacturers are presumably already making plans to survive this draconian diktat. Ford, for instance, have already dropped the Mondeo and the Fiesta to reduce the percentage of ICE cars compared to electric.
Another problem - electric cars are heavy and expensive. Vauxhall have announced an electric Astra - costing £40,000!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I doubt that 2035 is realistic either. They are shafting the car manufacturers with changing targets. Not that we have any left here.


I'm coming to the conclusion that this is another hoax based on false ideas, and the politicians know it well.

For example, in London they are building a new road tunnel under the Thames to complement the Blackwall Tunnel.


This is the phone in on Radio Scotland this morning and I was listening on my home from the pool. It's causing a lot of hassle, the car manufacturers are fuming about it as are the climate activists. Personally I think it's all a lotta bull, the change will happen no matter what. It's happened several times in the worlds history and if nature has decided it's time for another change it will happen. Not only that Amercia and I think China didn't sign up for this net zero nonsense.


India were busy commissioning new coal fired power stations but have apparently put that on a 5 year pause.

A comment I heard recently - If the UK were wiped out by a meteorite tomorrow the change in carbon emissions would amount to no more than a rounding error.


It has taken Sunak quite some time to begin to realise that 'nett zero' is not, and never will be, achievable!

Something to do with the probability of losing the next GE, perhaps?  Another empty promise?
Numquam credere Gallicum


Yep, the election clearly in his sights.  Now he just has to start turning boats back in the channel and the Tories would probably win !


It's windy today so the air over the British Isles this afternoon will come from the sea or Spain and ours will be somewhere over the north pole, and with it our pollution, so we can be quite sure that nothing we do will make the slightest difference.


Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2023, 01:22:32 PMYep, the election clearly in his sights.  Now he just has to start turning boats back in the channel and the Tories would probably win !
They won't, even though that would be a definite election winner.
They don't have the balls.
Numquam credere Gallicum