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Started by alfred, April 21, 2023, 03:29:30 PM

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Many years ago when my son and daughter were small my wife and i drove to Epping forest where by in those days a place called high beach had a portable caravan on site which sold all the favourites that people or families need on a hot day , tea, coffee, lemonade plus a variety of cakes and buns even crisps etc, although many people like my wife and i also took a selection of our own food and drinks ,

so  going  to a nice place where families could spend te day in nice hot sunshine making the most of having a picnic and of course on the back to home  the children were fast asleep  having tire them selves out using up endless amounts of energy ,

Q;  have picnics gone out of fashion as in these days  of high prices having a picnic for young children could be a way of confronting boredom   although old fashioned its a practical way of making the most of the day and weather   sun shine permitting,

do you have memories of those days and if so will you share them with us,


We rarely had picnics - most outdoor eating being on days out and to be honest as often as not fish and chips. I'm sure some still do though probably more eating fast food than cucumber sandwiches.


We were a great family for picnics, we often used to drive to the beach on a Sunday afternoon we kids played in the sea and built sand castles ect ect, and the adults had spread out blankets for us and sat themselves in deck chairs. There was always sandwiches, cake, biscuits and bottles of juice for tea.....Great times.
These days when up up north I take the small one cup flask with coffee with me when I go to the pool, after my swim I drive (2mins) to the beach front and drink it there.
I have to have my daily soak up of the ocean, it's like a drug I'm addicted to.


I remember having picnics as a kid, not very often though as we didn't have a car.  On the train to New Brighton or the bus to Rhyl, sand in your butties but I don't think we noticed :smiley:


When we were kids we used to go on the coach down to Brighton and Littlehampton.. Mum would make sandwiches and a whole apple pie..  We all shared our food with others..  We were happy if we got a candy floss..
In the boot of the coach there were crates of beer .. when we stopped the men would all gather together and have a drink.. They were so excited.. Bless 'em..
 I have been on picnics with my grandchildren.. Wonderful times.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..