More grooming gang news

Started by GrannyMac, April 05, 2023, 08:13:28 PM

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Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


This is a paedophile ring, I think a little different from a grooming gang - both evil of course.  It seems paedophile rings target small children, even babies.  Grooming gangs target young teenage white girls, these girls are moved around the country.   It always seems worse to me when women are involved, I just can't understand how any woman could do it.


I don't understand women involved either, it makes it all seem worse somehow. Disgusting lot I hope they have a hard time inside.


Evil looking lot.. ..
 Surely this lot of Paedophiles didn't raise children if their own.. !!!!
Imagine have one of them as a mother or grandmother.. !!! 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..