Saving session

Started by klondike, November 21, 2022, 10:13:38 AM

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I think many energy companies are offering some cash if you save some power over past usage  in a specified time slot.

You have to opt in and for curiosity sake I did. I turned off the mains plug used my UPS to keep  my internet units going (so a good test that it worked). Turned off the fridge and turned the CH to night duty so it wouldn't come on and used just a single bulb while I listened  to an audiobook.

I knew I wouldn't be getting much money from those actions and I was right. I'm still unsure what it is all about.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for being part of our first Saving Session.  Together with more than 200,000 other Octopus customers across the country, you just pulled off the largest home energy shift in UK history.

Collectively, you saved enough energy to effectively switch off an entire gas power station throughout the Saving Session.

Here's a quick look at the difference your efforts made.

You saved 0.277kWh and earned 504 OctoPoints – worth £0.63.

Together, Octopus customers saved 108MWh of electricity. That's a lot of dirty energy the UK didn't have to generate. In fact, it was equivalent to effectively shutting down an entire gas power station throughout the Session. That saved 20,415kg of CO2 emissions.
#SavingSessions trended on Twitter as hundreds of you live-tweeted your experience. Check out some of our favourite moments here.
Go to Saving Session results
This is just the start. With many more Saving Sessions to come this Winter, you'll have plenty more chances to earn rewards and help make energy cheaper and greener for everyone.

We'll add your OctoPoints to your dashboard shortly, and soon after that, you'll be able to redeem them for energy credit in pounds and pence.

Super Saver Bonuses

You weren't in the top 10% of Savers this time – maybe, like at Colin's place, the neighbour's cat didn't get the memo...

Congratulations to Padraig in Birmingham who won 400,000 OctoPoints — a cool £500 — just for opting in to our first Saving Session!

Keep an eye out for even bigger Super Saver Bonuses and spot prizes in certain Sessions this Winter.

There's more results on your Saving Sessions dashboard, and for information on how we calculated all this, head to our FAQs.

That's all for now: stay tuned for your next Saving Session.   

Love and power,

Pete Miller

Head of Customer Experience

Octopus Energy

P.S. Thank you for your understanding while we work through little teething issues in these first few Saving Sessions.

A handful of incredibly dedicated Octopus developers, data boffins, designers, marketers and more have been sweating to make this amazing for you. But this is a complex project – one that's never been done before in the UK. We're sorry that there've been a few little screw-ups, like some late-night text messages and missing reminders.

Most awkwardly of all, the 'We couldn't retrieve your readings' message which inadvertently appeared online after the first Session. It's Octopus tradition to share a 'bug report' internally when something goes wrong. If you're interested, here's the bug report our Head of Front-end Development Ash wrote about this incident.

We know how important it is to get this stuff right. Saving Sessions' impact on our customers' wallets, on the whole energy system and on the planet, could be huge. We'll always work hard to fix things fast (some of our developers were even coding in the dark during the first Saving Session!) and we'll always do right by you.

P.P.S. If you haven't already, download the Octopus app to get Saving Session invites and reminders via push notification. Here's how.

The UK is a free country but only if you came here by dinghy


Are they run by lefties ?


Don't know. I got moved to them when Avro went bust. By the time that happened it was pretty much impossible to move supplier anyway. 

The UK is a free country but only if you came here by dinghy