Does anyone know ?

Started by Alex, May 11, 2023, 01:15:35 PM

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Just a thought........why there are bishops in the House of Lords   :?: :hmm:


Doubtless something dating back to the mists of time. Possibly as far back as the days when bishops believed in a god and could offer some spiritual guidance. High time the whole thing was scrapped in favour of something that works.


The answer that for a long time bishops, like entitled aristocrats, have been regarded as leaders of this country in one way or another, 'spiritual' and 'temporal' leaders.
In fact, bishops are often entitled 'the Lord Bishop of somewhere or other', hence at least some of them are entitled to be a member of the House of Lords.

Personally, I see no need for any entitled people to be placed in such authority in the governance of this country, and the sooner our 'upper house' is reformed, the better.

Although I am no admirer of America, I believe that they have a far better system in their upper house, the Senate.  Only 100 members to govern about 250 million people.  Comparatively, we seem to have in excess of 800 members to govern over 70 million people!

That, to me, says that if we are world-leaders in any respect, it is in the profession of wasting money.
Numquam credere Gallicum