Well that was nice

Started by klondike, September 27, 2022, 03:36:22 PM

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Not really nice but better than a poke in the eye.

I was with Ovo energy some time ago. Possibly 3 providers back possibly more as I'm unsure. I got an email out of the blue which seems to be entirely genuine...

You'll receive your refund within 10 working days

Hello Mark,

Just to let you know we're processing your refund of £20.15.

The good news is you should see your refund in the bank account your Direct Debit comes out of within 10 working days – if not sooner.

The OVO Team

I can only assume I was in credit with them when I moved on but somehow didn't get that refunded. Maybe others will strike lucky too as I surely can't be the only one.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Don't spend it all at once !  :cool:  :cool: better than a smack in the gob though  :upvote:


I reckon they must have had it for several years and I missed it somehow. You can bet I'm getting it because some regulator caught them.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Several years ago I received a £200 tax refund.  I didn't think that I was entitled to it so phoned up and said so.  I put the cheque back in the post but then received a very unpleasant demand for the money to be returned.

The following year I was told that I had overpaid my tax by £200 and received a refund which I banked!


I've got an idea that it was just a spurious email. The account is still available online and it shows this...

1 – 30 Sep 2019
Starting balance 1 Sep £20.15 in credit
Total charges £0.00 out
Refunds 16 Sep £20.15 out
Closing balance 30 Sep £0.00 in credit

So I think I already had it unless it didn't turn up. So far there is no sign of it arriving so it'll be beans on toast again.

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy


Snatched away. Gits.

We emailed about a refund by mistake

Hi Mark,

Unfortunately, a technical problem meant we accidentally emailed you about a refund for the closed OVO Energy account numbered nnnnnnn.

We know this email wasn't expected, and we're really sorry for any confusion or inconvenience we caused.

For your peace of mind, this account is still closed, and there's no refund due.

The OVO Energy Team

A free country but only if you come here by dinghy